Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority is taking part in the Granite Creeks Flood Study in partnership with Department of Environment Land Water and Planning, VICSES, Strathbogie Shire Council, City of Greater Shepparton and Benalla Rural City Council.
Wilmot Road Primary School students will feature in the upcoming Goulburn Broken CMA radio campaign.
The Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network’s (CMN) Practical Parrot Action Project celebrated the installation of its 100th Turquoise Parrot nest box recently.
Fish surveys by scientists from the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI) suggest Macquarie perch, Southern pygmy perch, River blackfish and Two-spined blackfish numbers are increasing in the King Parrot Creek.
Recent fish surveys by scientists from the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI) suggest Macquarie perch numbers are increasing in the Hughes Creek.
Environmental flows are scheduled to be delivered in winter 2015 as a fresh flow that will result in increased river levels in the Goulburn River downstream of Goulburn Weir.
The Farm Water Program (FWP) was honoured and elated to receive the Australian Water Association’s (AWA) 2015 National Program Innovation Award recently.
Signs have been erected to provide visitors to Yea River and Hughes Creek and anglers important information about the endangered Macquarie perch.
Wildlife biologists are using field cameras in Barmah National Park to monitor the effectiveness of pest animal control programs.
On Thursday 21st May, 105 people attended a forum designed to share knowledge that will help to improve the resilience of the Goulburn Broken Catchment.
The Farm Water Program Round 4 Registration of Interest call has reopened to enable irrigators who may have missed the main call another opportunity to participate.
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) recently released a report titled Fruit Industry Employment Program, A Fruitful Job – Program Partnership, which details the achievements from the 2013 – 2014 Fruit Industry Employment Program (FIEP).
Irrigators in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District who are seeking funds for on-farm irrigation improvement projects through the Farm Water Program now have until 4pm on Friday 24th April to submit a Registration of Interest.
The Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network (CMN) will hold a ‘Bugs in the Box Ironbark’ field day at the Costerfield Hall on Sunday 17th May.
The Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network (CMN) will be holding a Turquoise Parrot nest box building workshop at the Winton Wetlands on Sunday 3rd May.