Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Fruit Industry Employment Program Report Released

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) recently released a report titled Fruit Industry Employment Program, A Fruitful Job – Program Partnership, which details the achievements from the 2013 – 2014 Fruit Industry Employment Program (FIEP).

Timeline Extension for Round 4 Farm Water Program Funding

Irrigators in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District who are seeking funds for on-farm irrigation improvement projects through the Farm Water Program now have until 4pm on Friday 24th April to submit a Registration of Interest.

Bugs in the Box Ironbark Field Day

The Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network (CMN) will hold a ‘Bugs in the Box Ironbark’ field day at the Costerfield Hall on Sunday 17th May.

Come and help make homes for the Turquoise Parrot

The Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network (CMN) will be holding a Turquoise Parrot nest box building workshop at the Winton Wetlands on Sunday 3rd May.

Catchment Management Authority board vacancies

The Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water is seeking expressions of interest for appointment of up to 45 members to the 10 Catchment Management Authority (CMA) boards and for the Chair of the Glenelg Hopkins CMA board from 1 October 2015.

Grazing Management with Dick Richardson

The Goulburn Broken Catchement Management Authority, Gecko CLaN and Goulburn Murray Landcare Network are pleased to offer local landholders the opportunity to attend field days run by renowned grazing management educator Dick Richardson at Warrenbayne and Naring.

Joel Salatin Seymour Seminars!

After sell-out presentations in Sydney and Melbourne in February, Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm is coming back to the Goulburn Broken Catchment to present two seminars in Seymour.

Two Seminars by Joel Salatin in Seymour

Joel Salatin returns to the Goulburn Broken Catchment for 2 seminars on Friday 24 April.

Working together on Fire Recovery in the Goulburn Broken Catchment

A large band of lightning caused 3 significant fires in Creighton’s Creek (5,000 hectares), Stewarton (3,000 hectares) and Boweya (5,750 hectares) in the Goulburn Broken Catchment on December 15th 2014.

Investigation of fish habitat works

Fish surveys have recently been undertaken in the Delatite and Rubicon rivers by scientists from the Arthur Rylah Institute as part of a study funded by the Victorian Government using Recreational Fishing Licence fees, to assess the benefits of habitat restoration on fish populations.

King Parrot Creek Macquarie perch study underway

A study is underway in the King Parrot Creek to track the movement of Macquarie perch and identify breeding sites and potential barriers to fish migration.

Macquarie perch habitat enhancement works underway in the Hughes Creek

Works to rehabilitate instream habitat for endangered Macquarie perch in the Hughes Creek are being planned by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA).

Kate Hawkins awarded Ken Sampson Memorial Fairley Leadership Scholarship

Flowerdale’s Kate Hawkins passion for the natural environment and climate change made her a fitting recipient of the 2015 Ken Sampson Memorial Fairley Leadership Scholarship, Goulburn Broken CMA Chair Murray Chapman said at a presentation last Thursday.

Lower Goulburn River Bank Condition Monitoring Commences

Researchers have commenced a program to monitor bank erosion along the lower Goulburn River.

Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network wins Australia Day Award

By Administrator
The Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network (CMN) has won the 2015 Cobram (Moira Shire) Environment Project of the Year Australia Day Award, and received a Special Mention at the Moira Shire Council ceremony on the following Thursday.
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