Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Farmers protecting wetlands makes good cent$

Thursday 27 October 2011
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is offering a unique opportunity for farmers that own a wetland (swamp, bog, billabong or marsh) in the plains of the Goulburn Broken Catchment.The Goulburn Broken CMA is calling for Expressions of Interest for the Plains Wetland Tender from private landholders that think they may have a wetland within the designated project area.

$43.7mil for Farm Water Program is a win-win for the region

Thursday 20 October 2011
The Farm Water Program led by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) will receive $43.7 million as part of the on-farm irrigation efficiency program announced this week by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments. This was part of the agreement between these Governments to deliver the nation's largest irrigation infrastructure renewal project.The irrigation efficiency project will generate 20 GL of water savings by investing in on-farm irrigation infrastructure upgrades for surface and pressurised systems. 10 gigalitres (GL) of the water savings will be consolidated and transferred to the Commonwealth for the environment. The remaining 10 GL will be allocated to irrigators participating in the project who will also contribute $4.9 million.

Goulburn Broken CMA welcomes six new Board members

Friday 7 October 2011
 The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA ) is pleased to welcome six new Board members, following the recent joint announcement by the Hon. Peter Walsh MP, Minister for Agriculture and Food Security and Minister for Water with the Hon. Ryan Smith MP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change and Minister for Youth Affairs.Goulburn Broken CMA Chair, Mr. Peter Ryan was delighted with the announcement and believes the six new members will make a valuable contribution to the Goulburn Broken CMA.

A busy time for biodiversity conservation

Monday 3 October 2011
The Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network (CMN) has been very busy lately, with the production and installation of the signage at Doctors Swamp, near Murchison, as well as a successful bird observing walk.The Doctors Swamp signage, funded through a 'Healthy Parks Healthy People' grant, displays some wonderful photographs of the flora and fauna of the region, as well as information on ways to help look after the reserve. Working with Parks Victoria to provide the signage has been a positive partnership.

A sand ridge woodlands story at Koonoomoo

Monday 3 October 2011
Last week three generations of the Bourchier family, David, James and Angus showed staff from Goulburn Broken CMA their latest project; enhancement of their unique sand ridge woodland site on their property at Koonoomoo. Six generations of the Bourchier family have farmed at Koonoomoo. Their property was selected by family descendants in 1878, and the sand ridge part, which was sold in the 1920's was bought back after World War II. The property is 1600 hectares in size, and contains some interesting natural features.

Signage warns of potential weed spread

Wednesday 28 September 2011
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) and the Benalla Rural City Council (BRCC) are encouraging the local community and visitors to the region to prevent the spread of one of the most invasive aquatic weeds in Australia.Cabomba, which is located within Lake Benalla and immediately downstream in the Broken River to Casey's Weir, has potential to impact on other waterways and water bodies should it be transported by either stream flow or unintentional human activities.

Get Back to Nature this September for Biodiversity Month

Wednesday 7 September 2011
Spring into action and get 'back to nature' by joining one or more of the forty fantastic community events celebrating Biodiversity Month this September.The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) in partnership with the Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) have brought together a range of activities offering a great opportunity for people to learn about and enjoy the flora and fauna across the Northern Victoria.

Goulburn Broken CMA celebrates silver in Australasian Reporting Awards

Monday 5 September 2011
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is again celebrating success in the Australasian Annual Reporting Awards."We are delighted to have received a Silver Award in the prestigious Australasian Annual Reporting Awards again this year" explains Mr. Chris Norman, CEO of Goulburn Broken CMA.

Achievements celebrated through Regional Landcare Awards

Friday 2 September 2011
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) recently celebrated the Goulburn Broken Regional Landcare Awards.The awards, which were coordinated by the Goulburn Murray Landcare Network, were held at the Nagambie Reception Centre at Kirwans Bridge.

‘Snags For Tomorrow’ Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network Biodiversity Celebration Day

Tuesday 30 August 2011
The Broken Boosey and Lower Goulburn Conservation Management Networks (CMNs) and the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) are hosting a Biodiversity Celebration Day 'Snags for Tomorrow'.The event will be held at the Nathalia Golf Club on Friday 9th September 2011, 10.00am-2.30pm and includes opportunities for a bus trip and the opportunity to come along and plant a tree for the future.

Farm Water Program attracts $25.1million to the region in round 2

Tuesday 12 July 2011
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA), on behalf of its consortium partners, has received in-principle approval of $25.1 million in Round Two of the Federal Government's On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program. This funding is to deliver improved surface flood irrigation to the northern Victorian irrigation region.

Don’t ditch your fish – Goldfish gone wild

Wednesday 6 July 2011
An electrofishing study, funded by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA), in wetlands along the Goulburn River floodplain has discovered large amounts of Goldfish and Carp within these areas. These introduced fish compete with native fish, decrease water quality and can spread diseases through native species.

Goulburn Broken CMA celebrates 25 years of Landcare

Wednesday 6 July 2011
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is celebrating 25 years of Landcare this year. As a part of these celebrations, the Goulburn Broken CMA is hosting the Regional Landcare Awards. This year the awards for both the Dryland and the Irrigation parts of the catchment are being combined for a "whole of catchment" celebratory award ceremony.

Streamside Fire Recovery Weed Control Completed

Thursday 9 June 2011
With funding from the Victorian Government Fire Recovery Program, the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has completed the second season of weed control works along waterways burnt in the 2009 fires. The upper reaches of the Yea, Acheron and Steavenson Rivers, and the King Parrot, Sunday, Dry and Strath Creeks, were the primary waterways addressed.

Re-snagging the Goulburn River for improved Native Fish habitat

Wednesday 8 June 2011
The Goulburn Broken CMA is reintroducing large woody habitat (or snags) in the Goulburn River between Murchison and Shepparton to increase native fish habitat. The snags will have no net impact on water flow and will enhance native fish habitat, thereby leading to a more sustainable native fish community, resulting in huge benefits for recreational fishers in our region.
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