
Tree Storey citizen science project

Our native eucalypt trees are special for a variety of reasons, including their beauty, shade and shelter and for providing habitat to our unique wildlife.

Recently, there has been some concern that some of our trees are under stress due to a changing climate. 

This project allows everyone to get involved in helping us find out more about the health of our trees now, and if there are changes in tree health over time.

Why do we need to look after trees?

Eucalypts are an iconic part of the Australian bush and farm land, and are a vital and much loved part of our lives. Our trees are vital for wildlife too, providing food and a home for birds, insects and mammals, particularly large old trees that have hollows.  Trees are part of our natural heritage and play an important role in helping to regulate our climate by providing shade and shelter from extreme weather.  Under climate change the weather is likely to be more frequently extreme.

What can be done to look after the health of native trees?

As our climate appears to be getting drier, we have noticed that our trees seem to be suffering and showing reduced health.

This citizen science survey project is about measuring the health of our trees now and into the future so that we can be informed about:

  • What is the health of our trees now?
  • Are some species more or less healthy than others?
  • If tree health is in decline how fast is the decline?

With your help, together with scientists, we can begin to answer these questions and therefore take action to manage trees so that they can survive into the future.

How can you get involved?

  1. Record details of large trees on your property by clicking this link or by  scanning the QR code below, opening the app and filling in the details about location, size and condition. Record as many trees as you like, but make sure you will have time to re-survey the trees at least every six months (preferably at least once each season). 
  2. This field guide will help you with the survey questions in the app.
  3. This guide will help you identify eucalyptus trees that can be found in the area.
  4. This you tube clip will help you work through the app and guide.

For more information or to get started, email Dr Jenny Wilson on or phone 5822 7700.

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