
Published Documents

This page contains general documents, publications and reports as well as annual reports, economy reports and other published guides.

In this section

Actions & Achievements Reports

The Victorian Catchment Management Authorities yearly Action and Achievement Report summarises whole of state achievements and includes a summary from each individual CMA highlighting the key policies that influenced their work, annual outputs and case studies, and acknowledges key delivery partners, investors and community stakeholders.

Annual Reports

This section includes the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority’s Annual Reports which outline performance and finances. Reports are prepared in accordance with all relevant Victorian legislation.


Biodiversity underpins the health of our intimately connected natural and managed systems, especially agriculture. Biodiversity is under increased pressure from climate variability and change, and rapid changes in land and water use.

Catchment Community and Economy

This section includes information and resources relevant to the Economic Profile of the Goulburn Broken Catchment (including all of the Shepparton Irrigation Region).

Climate Change

The impacts of a changing climate on both the Goulburn Broken Catchment’s natural resources and its community present significant threats and opportunities. The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is committed to being proactive in identifying adaptation responses to mitigate any threats, and at the same time work to identify opportunities.

Constraints Management Strategy Reports and Publications

Following the completion of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in 2012, the MDBA was requested to develop a Constraints Management Strategy to explore how the plan could deliver better environmental outcomes by allowing some overbank environmental flows. This section includes reports and publications relevant to this strategy.

Corporate Plans

The Goulburn Broken CMA updates its corporate plan annually. The plan details activities undertaken throughout the year to meet community and Victorian Government priorities.

Dryland Salinity

This section contains the Goulburn Broken Dryland Salinity Management Plan 1995-2001 as well as other relevant dryland salinity publications and resources.

Farm Water Program

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority led a consortium on behalf of the region’s irrigators to achieve farm water savings through improved farm irrigation systems. This section includes publications relevant to the program.


This section includes resources relevant to floodplain management.

Goulburn Broken Land Health Strategy 2017 - 2020

The Goulburn Broken Land Health Strategy 2017 – 2020 follows on from the Goulburn Broken Dryland Landscape Strategy (2009-2011), the Draft Goulburn Broken Soil Health Strategy (2002) and Soil Health Action Plan (2006, updated 2012). The Land Health Strategy was developed in-house and focuses on the land and people systems of the Catchment as underpinned by soil and its condition.

Integrated Catchment Management

This section includes reports that highlight actions delivered with Victorian and Australian government funding in partnership with catchment management authorities, state and federal agencies, water authorities, regional communities, local government, businesses and landholders.


Groundwater and salt management, as well as soil moisture monitoring are all important components of irrigation salinity. This section includes resources relevant to this area.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

The Ready for Change Evaluation Strategy for the Goulburn Broken Catchment encompasses all activities impacting on natural resource management.

Outcome Stories & Case Studies

A package of stories celebrating and highlighting the diverse projects that have been carried out across the Goulburn Broken Catchment to improve and protect its water, land, biodiversity and people can be found below.

Pest Plants and Animals

A number of resources are available to help identify and manage invasive plants and animals in the Goulburn Broken catchment.

Regional Catchment Strategies

Find copies of the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy and all related sub-strategies here.

Waterway and Floodplain Management Resources

A range of resources are available regarding the management of Waterways and Floodplains in the Goulburn Broken Catchment. This section includes a variety of these documents.
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