
Taungurung Clans are today represented by the Taungurung Land and Waters Council (Aboriginal Corporation) as a Registered Aboriginal Party under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

Taungurung Clans are today represented by the Taungurung Land and Waters Council (Aboriginal Corporation) as a Registered Aboriginal Party under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. 

Taungurung Country includes the high country areas of the Goulburn Broken Catchment, including the head waters of the Goulburn and Broken Rivers.

Welcome to Country

Taungurung were the first people of the rivers, valleys and mountains in this region.

The Taungurung people lived harmoniously according to the natural cycles of the land and rhythms and moved through this country on a seasonal basis, occupying the cooler more mountainous areas in summer and autumn and the tributaries of the Goulburn in winter and spring.

Food was plentiful around the region’s waterways with emus, kangaroos, possums, wombats, freshwater fish and abundant plant foods harvested by the nine related clans of the Taungurung people.   Examples of the traditional plants used by Taungurung people have been signposted at several points along this walk.

Today Taungurung people still live on country and are very active in the protection and preservation of their culture and land. The GB CMA are respectful of the traditional people and continue to work alongside the Taungurung to protect and restore native habitat and preserve the precious waterways in this region.

“We ask that you treat the land with respect and the land in turn will look after you”

Taungurung Clans

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