
Biodiversity Action Planning (BAP)

Biodiversity Action Planning (BAP) provides a valuable tool for everyone in the Goulburn Broken Catchment (GBC) interested in conserving native biodiversity

Mapping & Conservation Plans

Through the BAP process, the Goulburn Broken Catchment has been divided into 20 areas or 'BAP Zones' based on bioregional and social boundaries (see map below). Within each zone, current scientific and local knowledge has been used to map priority sites and develop a 'BAP Zone Conservation Plan'. The mapping in conjunction with the conservation plans will assist in the setting of priority areas for the protection and enhancement of native biodiversity. Select a Landscape Zone to view the conservation plan and mapping for your zone/s. Please note: Conservation Plans for the Buxton and Jamieson zones have not yet been completed.

For further information or to obtain a specific map of your area, please contact GBCMA at

Interactive Map

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GIS Data 

This mapping information is also provided as the BAP GIS Layer via a downloadable ESRI Shape File and online via an ESRI ArcGIS Online Feature Service. There is a significant amount of information stored within the associated attribute table. Please refer to the BAP users guide to ArcView for instructions on how to access and query this information in ArcView. Further information on BAP mapping is contained within the BAP Zone Conservation Plans. A metadata document provides more detailed information on BAP metadata, including a description of the dataset, currency, status, access, quality and contact details regarding Biodiversity Action Planning (BAP) data for the Goulburn Broken Catchment. 

Background to the BAP process

The BAP Conservation Plans above have been developed to help provide biodiversity conservation actions at a local level. These plans have built on knowledge and information contained within more broad scale bioregional and landscape plans which have been developed by the Department of Sustainability and Environment. These broad-scale plans have provided the bioregional and landscape scale planning for which these more local scale BAP Conservation Plans are based. Copies of the Bioregional and Landscape plans along with more BAP background information is available on the DSE website.

All of these planning processes are designed to achieve implementation of the State biodiversity strategy (Victoria's Biodiversity NRE 1997) which fulfils a statutory requirement under Section 17 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and provides the top-level biodiversity action plan for the State.

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A CD containing all Biodiversity Action Planning information on this website plus more is available via the GB CMA. Email for more information.

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