
Strathbogie Flagship Streams

The Goulburn Broken CMA is working closely with the community to deliver direct on ground riparian improvement works targeting streams flowing from the Strathbogie Ranges.

Strathbogie StreamsThe four-year Strathbogie Streams Program started in 2016/17, receiving funding through the Victorian Government’s Securing Priority Waterways program, to improve the health of waterways within the Strathbogie Ranges. With continued funding for a further three years, ending 2023/24, funding support remains available to landholders to fence, revegetate and manage exotic vegetation along the former Flagship Waterways, Hughes and Seven Creeks and their primary tributaries.

The Hughes and Seven Creeks are highly valued for the populations of native fish present, including threatened species -Trout Cod and Macquarie Perch. You can learn more about these waterways, the fish monitoring undertaken and the on-ground works completed to enhance and protect these streams at the following links.

Seven Creeks

Project Officer: Sue Kosch 0458 324 780

Hughes Creek

Project Officer: Christine Glassford 0419 567 461

If you have property in these catchments, you too can get involved with stream protection works on your property. Learn more about the activities involved and the Riparian Incentives available or contact the project officers to discuss your interest.

Drought Refuge on Seven Creeks

Water scarcity has become increasingly common and with climate change predictions, this endangers the long-term viability of populations of threatened native fish species in these streams, including Macquarie Perch. Monitoring of critical refuge pools along Seven Creeks will provide important supplementary data for species modelling under changing climate scenarios being conducted by DELWP’s Arthur Rylah Institute (ARI) to inform future management. This project will utilise the historic fish monitoring records being continued through the Strathbogie Flagship Streams project, which will also fund delivery of on-ground work to protect identified priority sites.

Gooram Falls on Seven Creeks   

Gooram Falls on Seven Creeks

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