
Mid-Goulburn River

The Goulburn River is a Heritage River considered of great importance for its high ecological, cultural and economic values, in addition to supporting a variety of tourism and recreational pursuits. The mid-Goulburn fish survey sites extend from Yea to Mitchellstown. The four most upstream sites fall within the core stocking area for Macquarie perch, as well as instream habitat restoration works undertaken by the GB CMA.

To assist native fish species and improve the health of the Mid-Goulburn River, we are working with adjoining landholders and the broader community to increase the cover of native vegetation and the quality of instream habitat.

For further information on the Mid-Goulburn River and to find out how you can become involved contact Goulburn Broken CMA on 5822 7700 or email

Further Information

For more information follow the links below:

Media releases

Mid-Goulburn River fish survey to confirm native species numbers - GB CMA - Goulburn Broken CMA

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