
From the Ground Up

From the Ground Up will work with farmers, industry and community groups to improve farm soil health, native vegetation and biodiversity to boost the region’s agricultural productivity and profitability and the natural resource base on which it depends.

The project is funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. 


Sustainable Agriculture Project Presentation Forum 2023

The Goulburn Broken CMA proudly hosted a one-day event showcasing the results and learnings from the four year “From the Ground Up” project, funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. This project has been working with farmers, community groups and industry to promote awareness, understanding and adoption of farming practices that improves soil condition. Project activities have included: soil testing, soil interpretation workshops, demonstration trials, field days and short courses. 

Presented by David Smith from Australian National University’s Sustainable Farms Project. Enhancing natural assets such as remnant vegetation, shelterbelts and farm dams on farms has many benefits for biodiversity, production, and landscape resilience. This presentation will share the learnings from two decades of ecological monitoring on farms. Dave will discuss the different restoration interventions that can be made (plantings, remnant protection and enhancement, noisy miner control) and their relative effectiveness

The benefits of restoring habitat on farms

Presented by Zelin Li (PhD student of Veterinary and Agriculture Science Melbourne University). This project aimed to better understand the fundamental farm productivity benefits from having shelterbelts and to answer how soil health and pasture production changes as the distance away from shelterbelts increases in a paddock. Project was overseen by Dr Paul Cheng Senior Lecturer in Livestock Nutrition and Grazing Management.

Shelterbelt to improve production - The impacts of shelterbelts on soil health and production

Increasing soil carbon to ameliorate compaction in irrigated soils. Presented by Damian Jones Trial Manger for Irrigated Cropping Council

Increasing soil carbon to ameliorate compaction in irrigated soils

Presented by Jane McInnes Senior Project Manager from Riverine Plains Inc.

Quantifying the carbon gains from mixed cropping systems

Managing sub-surface irrigation system impacts on soil acidity. Presented by Liz Mann from Maize Association of Australia

  Sub-surface irrigation and acidic soils

Presented by Lisa Warn from Ag Consulting on behalf of Southwest Goulburn Landcare.


Validating grazing effects on soil nutrients on farms

Presented by Dan Walker Project Officer for the Goulburn Murray Landcare Network.

  Growing regenerative farming systems

Presented by Dr Dorin Gupta Senior Lecturer (Sustainable Agriculture) from Melbourne University

Native crops in changing climate -Associate Prof Dorin Gupta


Baselining soil organic carbon and pH in NE Victoria

How does biodiversity benefit agriculture?

View Jim Radford's presentation here.

Soils and soit test interpretation - session 3

Soils and soil test interpretation - session 2


Soils and soil test interpretation - session 1

Soil Carbon - What is it all about?

Integrated Pest and Disease Management

Aluminium (acidic soils) workshop with Vic NoTill

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