
Climate Change

The impacts of a changing climate on the Goulburn Broken Catchment’s natural resources and its community present significant threats and opportunities. The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is committed to being proactive in identifying adaptation responses to mitigate any threats, and at the same time work to identify opportunities.

The Goulburn Broken CMA’s strategic position on climate change is “in dealing with climate change and likely impacts, the Goulburn Broken CMA will focus on adaptation strategies to increase catchment resilience; greenhouse gas sequestration activity, such as carbon brokering, will be engaged for the purpose of assisting adaptation responses; and mitigation initiatives led by local government will be actively supported”.

 The Climate Change Integration Strategy outlines how the Goulburn Broken CMA will achieve this position. It documents the tangible, realistic actions that the CMA can implement in thinking globally but acting locally. It is a flexible document with an associated annual Action Plan to deal with the fast changing nature of climate change knowledge and policy. The Strategy is linked to all areas of the CMA, from the Regional Catchment Strategy to Program strategies (e.g. Biodiversity Strategy and Waterway Strategy), and is the responsibility of all staff to help achieve its outcomes.

 Funding from the Australian Government’s Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund has allowed the Goulburn Broken CMA to develop a Climate Change Adaptation Plan with its partners to help integrate climate change planning into natural resource management activities across the Catchment. The Plan identifies priority landscapes for climate change adaptation and carbon farming in the context of improving the resilience of natural resources and identifies management options for all groups involved in natural resource management to consider.

 CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology have developed updated climate projections for Australia. Projections for the Murray Basin (of which the Goulburn Broken Catchment is part) can be viewed here.

In a Victorian first, all 10 CMAs have undertaken regional climate change adaptation planning that is now available through a one-stop online portal.

The Climate Ready Natural Resource Management Planning in Victoria portal provides a platform to access climate change adaptation planning for natural resource management across Victoria and was funded by the Australian Government.

To explore this portal, click on the link below: www.nrmclimate.vic.gov.au



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