
Merton and Brankeet Creeks

Merton and Brankeet Creeks are included in the Strathbogie Streams Project and identified as priority streams in the Goulburn Broken Waterway Strategy 2014-2022. Both streams feed into Lake Eildon upstream of Bonnie Doon, with quite reliable flows.

Brankeet Creek is known to be a trout fishery, though both have recently been found to support a range of native fish species, including the southern pigmy perch, for which there are very few remaining populations north of the divide.

Landholders along the Merton and Brankeet

Creeks are invited to take part in this project to improve river health and riparian habitat for fish.

Project Updates

Reports and Surveys

Brankeet fish survey demo 9 Nov 2016 Fraser Merton Creek 9 Nov 2016


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