
Recreational Fishing

The Goulburn Broken CMA in partnership with other government agencies and the community undertake a range of activities to protect and enhance the value of our streams for recreational activity.

Keys areas have included fish habitat improvement and information identifying key recreational sites.  

Further information

This brochure provides information on angler access sites and improved fish habitat works for fishing opportunities.
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Willows were widely used for waterway erosion control in northeast Victoria but are now considered as some of the most invasive riparian and wetland plant species in temperate Australia. River management agencies are now actively managing willows through a variety of control strategies including removal. Concern has been raised that willow removal may impact on stream ecology and have detrimental impacts on recreation trout populations. The response of a localised brown trout population to willow removal and concurrent in-stream habitat enhancement in the Rubicon River indicated a 33% increase in brown trout numbers, over an untreated control. Willow removal, in combination with instream habitat construction, did not negatively impact on trout numbers.
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This report provides a detailed and comparative evaluation of catch and fishing-effort, and provides a benchmark of the awareness, motivating factors, beliefs and behaviours of anglers in 2008-09.
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Other links

  • VRFish
    The goal of VRFish, the Victorian recreational fishers representative organisation, is to consult broadly and communicate with the Victorian recreational fishing community, represent and advocate the views of recreational fishers to Government and their agencies and ensure full access to a diverse and healthy Victorian recreational fishery.
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