
Resources & Publications

There are many things land managers can do to conserve biodiversity. Resources and Publications in this section are designed to help land managers in the Goulburn Broken Catchment.

In this section

Biodiversity Action Planning (BAP)

Biodiversity Action Planning (BAP) provides a valuable tool for everyone in the Goulburn Broken Catchment (GBC) interested in conserving native biodiversity

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for Biodiversity and Agricultural Natural Capital Assets

In 2024, all NRM regions across Australia received funding from the Australian Government to produce an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for Biodiversity and Agricultural Natural Capital Assets.

Goulburn Broken Catchment Calendar

The Goulburn Broken Catchment calendar is produced each year, featuring stunning images of the region’s native plants, animals and natural environment.

Goulburn Broken Land Health Strategy 2017 - 2020

The Goulburn Broken Land Health Strategy 2017 – 2020 follows on from the Goulburn Broken Dryland Landscape Strategy (2009-2011), the Draft Goulburn Broken Soil Health Strategy (2002) and Soil Health Action Plan (2006, updated 2012). The Land Health Strategy was developed in-house and focuses on the land and people systems of the Catchment as underpinned by soil and its condition.

Goulburn Broken Indigenous Seed Bank

The Goulburn Broken Indigenous Seedbank, part of GV Community Energy, operates from the University of Melbourne's Dookie College Campus.

Locally native plants suitable for gardening in the Shepparton Region

A variety of native plants within the City of Greater Shepparton region are very suitable for use in gardens.

Direct seeding revegetation in the Goulburn Broken Catchment

The aim of this study was to design a monitoring protocol to evaluate direct seeding revegetation undertaken between 1999–2009 in the productive plains and upland slopes of the Goulburn Broken CMA, NE Victoria, and to identify factors that influence the success of conservation outcomes among sites.

Native Vegetation of the Goulburn Broken Riverine Plains

By Administrator
This project is delivered and funded primarily through the partnerships between the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Goulburn Murray Landcare Network (GMLN), Greater Shepparton City Council, Shire of Campaspe and Moira Shire.

Producing high quality seed for Silver Banksia

Silver Banksia once covered large tracts of land across southern Australia but in many regions it now exists as small populations or isolated trees, making it difficult to source high quality seed to restore this important species. This fact sheet details recent work to look at the genetic diversity of Silver Banksia at the Euroa Seed Production Area at Euroa Arboretum.

Revegetation Guide for the Goulburn Broken Catchment

This guide has been developed to provide advice and assist landholders with revegetation activities.

Shelter Belts on Farms

Shelter belts on farm can be an important part of your farm if done correctly. They can serve many purposes and can be created in many shapes and sizes. The benefits of a shelter belt could be to reduce the effect of cold and hot winds and provide shade from the sun for your stock and/or create corridors for beneficial insects and birds that could help protect crops and pastures.

The Ground Storey

The booklet highlights the importance and benefits of retaining and managing the ground storey on a rural property for land and soil health and native wildlife habitat so it may contribute to an overall healthier environment.
The Mammal Book

The Mammal Book

This booklet provides a window into the world of mammals in the Goulburn Broken catchment, specifically the 30 native species found predominately in the Grey Box Grassy Woodland community.

Wildlife Guides for Landholders

The Wildlife Guides for Landholders provide detail on some of the species of wildlife, the major threats these species face and some of the recommended actions that can help to conserve these and many other wildlife species.

Click here to view additional publications relating to biodiversity.

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