

Rivers and streams within the Catchment are highly valued for irrigation, industry, urban water supply, stock and domestic water supply, recreation, habitat and aesthetic beauty.

From the irrigated Goulburn and Murray Valleys to the dryland grazing and cropping regions and high country valued for its tourism and recreational uses, the Goulburn Broken catchment is the foundation of the Victorian and Murray Darling Basin water resources and economic wealth. Although only 2% of the Murray Darling Basin's land area, the catchment generates 11% of the basin's water resources. In addition the catchment generates 26% of the rural export earning s for the State of Victoria.

Water underpins the viability of our irrigation area that, in turn, is the foundation of the region's economy and community. Streams within the region are highly valued for a range of reasons: irrigation, industry, potable water supply, stock and domestic water supply, recreation (both passive and active), the presence of threatened and vulnerable fish species aesthetic beauty and biodiversity.

Stream health in the region is of vital importance, not only for the local region but also for communities over 500 km downstream.

The need to protect and enhance the condition of our river environments is widely recognised. The aim of this program is to identify rivers of high value for protection and enhancement and to identify opportunities for restoration or improving the environmental condition of other rivers throughout the catchment.

All this work is guided by the Goulburn Broken Waterway Strategy 2014 - 2022.

In this section

Water Quality and Dissolved Oxygen

In the same way land animals breathe oxygen from the air, aquatic animals such as fish and bugs use dissolved oxygen in the water to “breathe”. When the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water is low it can harm these animals.

Waterway Program Implementation & Incentives

The Waterways program is one of the two operational Roles of the Authority (the other being in Floodplain Management). The Implementation or Waterway Program oversees river health and water quality research, monitoring and implementation activities in the catchment.

Water for the environment

Water for the environment is water legally set aside to protect or improve the environmental values of wetlands and streams. Environmental water entitlements are held by the Victorian Environmental Water Holder (VEWH), the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA).

Constraints Management Strategy

Across the Murray-Darling Basin, there are physical and operational barriers, known as constraints, that limit the environmental flows that can be delivered and the outcomes that can be achieved.

Recreational Fishing

The Goulburn Broken CMA in partnership with other government agencies and the community undertake a range of activities to protect and enhance the value of our streams for recreational activity.

Information Sheets

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