
What is Community Natural Resource Management?

Community Natural Resource Management (NRM) is a community-based approach to fixing environmental problems and protecting the future of our natural resources.

The works and activities of community NRM groups strongly contribute to the management of natural resources within the Goulburn Broken catchment and significantly assist in the delivery of the Regional Catchment Strategy. Community NRM groups include Landcare, conservation management networks, sustainable farming and environment groups and 'friends of' networks. 

  • What is Landcare?

    Landcare is a national community volunteer program aiming to improve land, water and environment. Landcare is driven by the community, promoting and delivering environment projects designed to help farmers and land managers. This includes pest plant and animal management on private and public land, soil health and salinity control, revegetation projects to improve land management practices and riparian management. Landcare brings together individuals and communities who are keen to improve their local landscape.

    For a comprehensive list of landcare groups within the Goulburn Broken region (and other regions), visit the Landcare Gateway Victoria website.

  • What are Conservation Management Networks?

    A Conservation Management Network (CMN) is a network of native vegetation, their owners or managers and other interested individuals. CMNs are primarily biodiversity focused, usually concentrate on a single ecological community (e.g. Box Ironbark Forest), and operate “Tenure Blind” working across both public and private land.

    For a comprehensive list of Conservation Management Network groups within the Goulburn Broken region (and other regions), visit the Landcare Gateway Victoria website.
  • What is the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator Program?

    The Goulburn Broken CMA is proud to host a Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF). RALFs are located in each of the natural resource management regions across Australia where they promote the uptake of sustainable farm and land management practices. They also establish, assist and develop community Landcare and production groups, so that those groups can help share information and provide support to farmers and other land managers to meet challenges, such as, climate change.

    For more information on the Regional Landcare Facilitator Program, visit our Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator Program page

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