
Hooray for the Yea

The Hooray for the Yea project aims to supportlandholders and community groups to enhance the condition of the Yea River.

The Yea River is the second largest tributary of the Upper Goulburn River and has important environmental, recreational and economic values.

The Yea River is also significant as it is thought to have one of the last populations of the critically endangered fish – the Macquarie perch.

Threats to this river include decreasing water quality, siltation, presence of willows and other weeds of national significance, and the lack of a wide continuous strip of native vegetation.



Further Information

For more information follow the links below:

For more information on the King Parrot Creek Project contact Christine Glassford at the Yea office of the Goulburn Broken CMA on (03) 5797 4400 or via email to


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