
Surface Water Management Program

Surface water management incorporates traditional earthen drainage networks, Drainage Course Declarations (DCD)s and enhancement of catchment environmental features.

An earthen drain, either a GMW primary or community drain, is described as a Surface Water Management System (SWMS), which is built to provide more efficient and effective drainage of excess surface water from irrigation or rainfall.

Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID) Drainage Management Strategy July 2022

Irrigation drainage in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID) has to date been delivered through a long-standing partnership approach between Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW), Goulburn Broken CMA, North Central CMA, the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning (DELWP), Local Government and landholders.

Drainage needs across the GMID are continuing to evolve and with multiple agencies and multiple objectives, a new approach to the future management of GMID irrigation drainage is needed to adapt to the changes. The GMID Drainage Management Strategy (the Strategy) has been developed to address that need.

The document sets out contemporary management strategies that aim to maximise the future economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits of GMID irrigation drainage systems.

The Strategy covers the diverse management issues of the surface and subsurface drainage systems across the GMID which could be applied by the respective drainage service providers. 

Links to the Strategy and Strategy summary:

GMID Drainage Management Strategy July 2022

GMID Drainage Management Strategy Summary

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