
Floodplain Management

Find out how to get flood level information for your property, understand how planning scheme overlays work and keep up to date with planning amendments.

We recommend you read the self-assessment section first to find out information on planning permits, flood studies and other planning considerations.

Complete the form in the applying for flood advice section if you would like us to provide you with flood information in writing.

If you're developing or renovating, a property, visit the Goulburn Broken Community Flood Intelligence Portal to get flood level information to determine whether your land is subject to flooding. You may also need this information if you're buying or selling a property.

Self-Assessment Guide

This Self-Assessment Guide section covers: Flood Controls in Municipal Planning Schemes and Flood Mapping not shown in Planning Schemes.

Applying for Flood Advice

Prior to applying for a planning permit with your local municipal council, flood advice can be obtained directly from the Goulburn Broken CMA by submitting a completed application form (below) with a processing fee. The Goulburn Broken CMA will provide flood advice in writing.

Channel bank removal guide

Modernisation of the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District irrigation network (through the Connections Program) opens up opportunities for landholders to carry out works on their properties.

Goulburn Broken Regional Floodplain Management Strategy (2018-2028)

The Victorian Government requires Catchment Management Authorities to develop and periodically review Regional Floodplain Management Strategies, in partnership with councils, the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) and their local communities. A mid-term review of the Strategies was completed in mid-2023.

Quarries on the Goulburn Floodplain

The Goulburn Broken CMA in association with the Department of Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has investigated the risks posed by large scale quarrying (sand and gravel extraction) on the floodplain in the event of a large flood along the mid-Goulburn River, primarily the reach from Yea to the Hume Freeway (north of Seymour).
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