
Riparian On-Ground Works 2021-2024

This project will enable the GB CMA to sustain momentum, encouraging remaining and new landholders to take up waterway grant support, as well as nurture existing landholder relationships by building on past investment and increasing site connectivity. This project aims to increase the percentage protected of priority streams in the GB catchment, to ultimately improve the environmental condition of these highly valued waterways.

This project will increase the percentage protected of a number of priority streams in the GB catchment, in line with Regional Waterway Strategy targets.The GB CMA will continue to foster partnerships with local communities, landholders and partner agencies, partnering in riparian and in-stream on-ground works. The project will also monitor the condition of past investment to ensure it delivers intended outcomes into the future.

This project will enable the GB CMA to sustain momentum, encouraging remaining and new landholders to take up waterway grant support, as well as nurture existing landholder relationships by building on past investment and increasing project connectivity, to ultimately improve the environmental condition of these high value waterways. The following waterways have been identified as those that will deliver the highest return on continued investment:

Utilising existing data and processes such as the Riparian Intervention Monitoring Program (RIMP), Riparian Works Review Standards (RWRS) and landholder re-engagement, we will determine the need for supplementary investment/works to maintain trajectories towards ecological health.

This project will also deliver the following:

Angler Partnership Program (APP)

Continue our delivery of projects funded through the former Riparian Angler Partnerships Program, where we will continue our strong partnership with the Australian Trout Foundation and other angling groups to improve trout fishing outcomes in our upland streams. The APP model will also be applied across the catchment as a means to engage with community groups, to prioritise sites and projects to enhance outcomes for both native and recreational fish species.

Healthy Rivers, Health Fish

Evaluate and undertake instream habitat works to support native fish species, including threatened species (Macquarie Perch),  for which riparian works conducted will compliment and improve the habitat quality and connectivity for these important fish populations.

Control Headwater Invasive Willows

In partnership with East and West Gippsland CMAs and the North East CMA, address high threat willows in priority areas along the Great Divide. This collaborative project between CMAs along with DELWP and Monash University will capitalise on integrated catchment management approaches to achieve landscape scale outcomes.

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