Fish surveys to be carried out along the Goulburn River between the Yea River junction and Seymour could confirm the presence of threatened Macquarie Perch in the river, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) River Health Officer Sue Kosch said.
Fish surveys to be carried out along the Goulburn River between the Yea River junction and Seymour could confirm the presence of threatened Macquarie Perch in the river, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) River Health Officer Sue Kosch said.
“The population status of fish communities including Macquarie Perch within the Goulburn River is unknown although there have been reports of anglers catching them in recent times,” Ms Kosch said.
Ms Kosch said the surveys would be carried out by Arthur Rylah Institute (ARI) researchers, using boat electrofishing techniques, during a two-week period starting Monday, April 28.
“Surveys will target habitats where Macquarie Perch and other large bodied species are likely to be found. In addition to weighing and measuring all fish collected, native, large bodied species over 200mm in length will be externally tagged with a unique t-bar tag in case of recapture during future surveys or by recreational fishing.”
She said Fisheries Victoria had stocked a small number of Macquarie Perch and Trout Cod fingerlings over the past 12 months between Molesworth and Trawool but it was unknown if these stockings had been successful.
“We have had reports from anglers that more cod have been caught in recent years as far upstream as Yea and Molesworth and hopefully these surveys will confirm this,” Ms Kosch said.
Ms Kosch reminded anglers that taking Macquarie Perch from the Goulburn River or its tributaries was prohibited.
“We’d appreciate that if an angler caught a tagged fish, that they record the number on the tag before carefully releasing them,” she said.
If the tag does not display a phone number, report your capture on 1800 652 598 or VICTAG on 1800 677 620.
The Mid-Goulburn River Project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Securing Priority Waterways – On Ground Works Program.
The Goulburn River is a Heritage River and is highly valued for its ecological values and its association with tourism and recreational pursuits.
For more information about the project, phone Sue Kosch on 5736 0100 or visit