Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Call for environmental nominations

Saturday 13 May 2006
Nominations are currently being sought for two high profile awards in the Upper Goulburn catchment.

Barmah bird deaths declared “natural”

Wednesday 10 May 2006
Ecologists have found no evidence to support recent claims hundred of egrets died in Barmah Forest during the summer floods.

20 Years of Saltwatch

Friday 5 May 2006
Primary schools in the Mansfield District will participate in a special Salt Week tabloid sports morning on May 25th to celebrate 20 years of Saltwatch in the Goulburn Broken catchment.

CMA seeks committee members

Monday 1 May 2006
The Upper Goulburn Implementation Committee (UGIC) comprises of eight community representatives appointed by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA), for a period of four years, and is currently advertising committee positions throughout the upper Goulburn catchment.

Willow claims rejected by CMA

Wednesday 12 April 2006
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority has rejected recent claims that its willow management program is undermining trout fishing in the Jamieson River.

Fishway a success at Casey's Weir

Thursday 16 March 2006

Mansfield Landholder changes his ways

Monday 6 February 2006

Noxious weeds under review

Monday 30 January 2006
Noxious weeds in the Goulburn Broken Catchment are under a complete review for the first time in 30 years.

Grants available for Landholders living on the Broken and Goulburn Rivers

Wednesday 25 January 2006
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Vegetation Officers are spreading the word on how landholders can tap into grants to improve river health and improve their properties at the same time.

Grants available for Landholders living on the Broken River

Wednesday 25 January 2006
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Vegetation Officers are spreading the word on how landholders can tap into grants to improve river health and improve their properties at the same time.

Grants available for Landholders living on the Broken River and its tributaries

Wednesday 25 January 2006
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Vegetation Officers are spreading the word on how landholders can tap into grants to improve river health and improve their properties at the same time.

Grants available for Landholders living on the Broken River and its tributaries

Wednesday 25 January 2006
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Waterways Officers are spreading the word on how landholders can tap into grants to improve river health and improve their properties at the same time.

Partnership approach for environment

Wednesday 25 January 2006

Benalla flood claim rejected

Thursday 19 January 2006

Bush Returns under new scheme

Wednesday 18 January 2006
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