Landholders are needed to help boost dwindling Silver Banksia populations across the Agricultural Floodplains in the Goulburn Broken Catchment’s north.
Almost 60 nest boxes were made to provide habitat for endangered box ironbark forest wildlife at the "Marsupial Mansions 2" Field Day held at Heathcote Community House recently.
Wednesday 4 December 2013
The lake side track in Mulwala's Kyffins Reserve, and a limited area for camping, will be open to the public on December 6 in time for the Cod Classic event.
Wednesday 4 December 2013
Projects to fund community efforts to tackle weeds and pests such as blackberry and rabbits, restore habitat for platypus and run environmental education programs in schools have been funded through the latest round of the Victorian Government's Victorian Landcare Grants Program.
Wednesday 4 December 2013
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA), through its Hooray for Yea program, has been carrying out willow control work in recent weeks to help the Yea Wetlands Committee implement its Yea Wetlands Vegetation Management Plan.
Wednesday 6 November 2013
Two freshes – increased flows – along the Goulburn River during November and December have been planned to encourage Golden Perch (Yellowbelly) to breed.
Wednesday 6 November 2013
Water and labour savings, improved property values, jobs, and renewed confidence in the future of agriculture in Northern Victoria are some of the benefits of on-farm works completed through Round 1 of the Commonwealth Government's On Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program (OFIEP).
The Living Murray Program environmental water, provided through the Goulburn River, is supplying water to the Hattah Lakes near Mildura. Without rain, the Goulburn River flow will average 1,300 ML/ day from now to the end of November. These flows will also provide the desirable minimum flow through the lower Goulburn (930 ML/day at McCoys Bridge), and will be varied over the period around this average flow rate.
Landholders interested in improving paddock management and boosting productivity are invited to attend a free Farming for Soil Biology workshop with well-respected soil expert Nicole Masters in Benalla on Friday, November 1st , followed by a visit to Graceburn Farm, Glenburn on Saturday, November 2nd.
Respected botanist and arboriculturist Dr Greg Moore will highlight the "hidden" economic, social and environmental benefits of trees in urban spaces at a free Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Urban Centres forum to be held near Shepparton on Thursday, October 17th.
Applications for the 2014 Fairley Leadership Program close 31st October 2013. If you are wanting to be a participant in the 2014 Fairley Leadership Program and would like to be supported to do this by the Ken Sampson Memorial Fairley Leadership Program Scholarship then please read on.
Take a photo of your local waterway for the chance to win a $1000 houseboat experience on the Murray River! How to enter:
Follow @depivictoria on Instagram
Take a picture on your smartphone of yourself enjoying your waterways
Post to Instagram: add @depivictoria and use the hashtag #lovewaterways in your caption
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Generous Scholarship for young adults available: A generous scholarship for young adults in the Goulburn Murray irrigation region is currently open for applications. The Sampson Scholarship will provide support for at least two people between the ages of 18 and 35 to undertake a study project during 2014. Successful applicants will further their skill development in areas which could include environment, agriculture, irrigation, community development and leadership, with the scholarship's support.
Opportunities to observe birds, fish and vegetation, enjoy a stroll and a secure water supply were what people who use the Yea River valued about it the most, according to a recent Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) survey.
Tuesday 17 September 2013
Grants for fencing and alternative watering points are available to landholders to protect wetlands and remnant vegetation on their properties through the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority’s (CMA’s) Nationally Significant Wetland and Woodland Ecosystem Conservation Project.