Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Macquarie Perch survey under way

Wednesday 26 February 2014
A survey to check on the health and size of the Macquarie Perch population in the Yea River will be carried out between March 3 and 7.

Call for Expressions of Interest - Northern EcoConnections

Tuesday 11 February 2014
The State Government has provided funding for an environmental tender: 'Northern EcoConnections'. EOI for environmental works now available! A great opportunity for landowners to receive funding along the Murray River Corridor, Broken and Box-Ironbark region of the catchment. Click here to view the map

Tale of squirrel glider's search for a home highlights importance of tree hollows

Friday 7 February 2014
A children’s picture book has been produced by the region’s 2013 Fairley Leadership Program cohort to celebrate the unique fauna found along the Goulburn River.

Hanging around and staying cool in Numurkah

Thursday 6 February 2014
Even the native wildlife has been finding the heat hard to beat as this picture sent to us by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) clearly shows.

Heat's on Catchment community

Tuesday 4 February 2014
Water users are being urged to take care while fishing, swimming and boating as water levels in local rivers, lakes and wetlands start to drop as a result of the recent long spell of hot dry weather.

Paddock dips blooming with hidden treasures

Tuesday 4 February 2014
A rare ecological gem may be going unnoticed on many properties across the Goulburn Broken Catchment.

Shepparton stop over for Siberian sandpipers

Tuesday 28 January 2014
Efforts to return to more natural wetting and drying regimes in wetlands across the Goulburn Broken Catchment are paying off with migratory birds last seen in the area six years ago spotted at Reedy Swamp recently.

Discuss the proposed changes to Victoria's water laws

Wednesday 22 January 2014
The Victorian Government has released the Water Bill Exposure Draft to give Victorians the opportunity to provide feedback on proposed changes to the state’s water laws. The Water Bill Exposure Draft proposes to bring the Water Act 1989 and Water Industry Act 1994 into a single, streamlined Water Act that reflects contemporary practice in water management and government policy.

January environmental flows update

Tuesday 14 January 2014
The spring/early summer water freshes (or flow pulses) in the Goulburn River have now finished.

Habitat Search for Macquarie Perch

Thursday 9 January 2014
An investigation of how Hughes Creek's stream and bank conditions affect the threatened species, Macquarie Perch, will start shortly.

Benefits outweigh costs

Thursday 2 January 2014
Katamatite grain grower Jarrod Lukies says that without Farm Water Program funding, a difficult to irrigate outblock bought in 2009 would have been under-utilised.

Call for innovative natural resource management projects

Tuesday 24 December 2013
Community groups with innovative ideas on ways to protect and improve the Goulburn Broken Catchment’s natural resources are invited to apply for funding through the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) annual Expression of Interest (EOI) process.

Hooray for Yea River - Goodbye honeysuckle

Tuesday 24 December 2013
Honeysuckle is being managed along the Yea River in the Upland Slopes region of the Goulburn Broken catchment thanks to recent control works.

Putting waterways in the picture

Tuesday 24 December 2013
Victorians have a chance to win a houseboat getaway on the Murray River just by getting out and enjoying their local waterways this summer.

December environmental water update

Thursday 12 December 2013
Golden Perch (Yellowbelly) breeding has been triggered in the Goulburn River by the environmental water flows (pulses or freshes) sent down the river mid-November.
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