Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Thousands of hectares of irrigated land upgraded

Monday 1 October 2012
Thousands of hectares of land have been upgraded and 18 gigalitres of water saved as a result of Round 1 Farm Water Program projects.

Plant Plonk a success

Monday 24 September 2012
Fifty-five people attended the Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network (CMN) 'Plant Plonk' planting day held at Costerfield, which was initiated to help restore a degraded bush site. Three hundred and forty shrubs and grasses were planted, supplied by A&B Trees in Heathcote. Local mining company Mandalay Resources donated $500 towards the purchase of the plants, guards and stakes.

The Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy Draft links people to the landscape

Monday 24 September 2012
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has been leading the renewal of the Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) since December 2011. As they approach the deadline for submission and endorsement by the Victorian Government, the Goulburn Broken CMA wishes to thank the community for their input to date.

Ninety Days of Nature - Biodiversity Month just got bigger

Thursday 6 September 2012
The annual Biodiversity Month celebration, across the northern Victoria, just got even bigger.

Spring flows to benefit fish in lower Broken Creek

Thursday 6 September 2012
Fish in the lower Broken Creek are set to receive a welcome surprise as the creek receives its first environmental flows in spring to improve habitat during their migration and breeding season.

Redefining local productivity

Wednesday 22 August 2012
In a time of climate change, global food security and sustainability, what are the opportunities for local production? How do we increase intensity of land use whilst protecting our natural resources? These questions form the basis of three forums being run by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) on 30 and 31 August. The Goulburn Broken CMA have invited Julian Cribb, who is internationally regarded for his work in science communication and author of the book, The Coming Famine, to be a keynote speaker at each of three forums in the region.

Registrations of interest for Round 3 Farm Water Program funding close 31st August

Monday 20 August 2012
Northern Victorian irrigators must register their interest in Round 3 Farm Water Program funding by phoning the Farm Water Program hotline on (03) 5820 1147 and submitting their Whole Farm Plan electronically by 5pm Friday 31st of August.

Achievements celebrated through Regional Community Environment Awards

Thursday 16 August 2012
Members of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Community recently celebrated the Goulburn Broken Regional Community Natural Resource Management (NRM) Awards.The awards, which were coordinated by the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network, were held at the Rafferty's Reception Centre in Benalla on Friday 3 August 2012.

Julian Cribb - Specialist science communicator

Wednesday 8 August 2012
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority proudly presents three events with Julian Cribb, Specialist science communicator.

Advisory Group set up for CMA’s Sustainable Irrigation Program

Tuesday 7 August 2012
An Advisory Group of community representatives has been established to provide informed comment on the delivery of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority's Sustainable Irrigation Program. The role of the group is to provide community perspective and feedback on issues relating to irrigation and natural resource management in the Goulburn Broken catchment.

CMA release Regional Catchment Strategy to the public to edit

Friday 27 July 2012
In a first for the Goulburn Broken Catchment, the Regional Catchment Strategy is now available for real time online editing using Wiki (web-based) technology.  The Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) sets the direction for managing land, water and biodiversity within the Catchment.

Registrations of interest open for Round 3 Farm Water Program funding

Monday 16 July 2012
Northern Victorian irrigators have until 5pm Friday 31st of August to register their interest in Round 3 Farm Water Program funding.

Feral feast serves as a success!

Wednesday 27 June 2012
Over eighty people attended a feast of feral proportions on Sunday 24th June when the Broken Boosey Conservation Management Network and the Lower Goulburn Conservation Management Network (CMN) held their annual Biodiversity Day.
Total 871 articles in this section.
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