Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.
Lake Benalla

Lake Benalla update

Friday 26 March 2021
Lake Benalla is slowly refilling as increased flows from Hollands Creek start making their way downstream after recent rain.
A tree guard

Playing the long game for landscape health

Friday 12 March 2021
A grey box seedling planted to replace two dead trees in a paddock 18 months ago is thriving nicely, safely protected from cattle grazing by a purpose-built mesh guard.
ibis nesting in barmah

Beaut year for bird nesting in Barmah

Thursday 11 March 2021
Barmah National Park has experienced its biggest water bird nesting event in four years.
Seven Creeks on January 31

Watching waterways

Wednesday 3 February 2021
Goulburn Broken CMA and Goulburn Murray Water are monitoring water quality across the catchment after Friday’s rain.
The GBCMA annual report is now available

2019-20 Annual report

Tuesday 12 January 2021
The 2019-20 Goulburn Broken CMA annual report was tabled in the Victorian Parliament in November.
Lake Benalla

Lake Benalla to be drawn down to control weed

Wednesday 16 December 2020
The water level in Lake Benalla will start to be slowly drawn down from February 8 to control the aquatic weed cabomba.
Phot of a dozing calendar by Shellie Drysdale

Cute koala features on catchment calendar cover

Monday 30 November 2020
The 2021 Goulburn Broken Catchment Calendar is now available, featuring a stunning cover photograph of a dozing koala taken by Yarck’s Shellie Drysdale.
surveys have gone out to irrigators

Survey measures changes in land and water use

Thursday 12 November 2020
Up to 600 irrigators in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID) will be surveyed over the next several weeks to help track changes in land and water use.
Pick up a free tree guard by November 13

Last chance to grab free tree guards

Friday 6 November 2020
Landholders keen to protect naturally regenerating trees or planted tube stock can organise to collect free tree guards from WB Hunter Euroa next Friday (November 13).
Golden perch eggs

Golden opportunity to trigger native fish spawning

Thursday 5 November 2020
For the first time in four years conditions are ripe for large-scale golden perch migration and spawning in the Goulburn River.
grey box woodlands

Grants available for landholders to protect and improve grey box grassy woodlands

Wednesday 21 October 2020
Landholders in the northern half of the Goulburn Broken Catchment are encouraged to apply for funding through the Linking Landscapes project to improve the condition of threatened grey box grassy woodlands on their properties.

Timely boost for Goulburn River bank vegetation

Friday 2 October 2020
Water for the environment is being delivered along the lower Goulburn River to encourage the seed and sediment distributed on the river’s lower and mid-banks during winter to grow and spread.
Robert McMaster with his tree guards and sign.

Guard call

Tuesday 22 September 2020
A call is going out for expressions of interest for future rounds of the popular On Your Guard initiative.
Picture of the flood intelligence portal

Flood information at your fingertips

Friday 28 August 2020
Free, regularly updated information to help with land-use planning, flood preparedness and flood insurance is now available for 14 communities across the Goulburn Broken region.
Seedling protected by a guard and fallen timber

Protect trees, protect stock

Tuesday 18 August 2020
With lambing and calving well under way, fallen trees can provide much-needed shelter from cold, wind and rain for young stock.
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