Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Scholarship winner - Fairley Leadership Program

Wednesday 20 March 2019
Dairy research scientist Yvette Williams has been named the recipient of the Ken Sampson Fairley Leadership Memorial Scholarship.

Calling for water board applications

Applications are now open for positions on the boards of Victoria’s 19 water corporations and 10 catchment management authorities.

Sunny outlook for native fish habitat

Friday 15 February 2019
Large grey-box stumps removed during Downer’s construction of Neoen’s Numurkah Solar Farm are now providing habitat for native fish in the Nine Mile Creek west of Numurkah.

Native fish seek refuge during dry conditions

Wednesday 13 February 2019
Recent monitoring in the Seven and Hughes creeks shows native fish including threatened trout cod and Macquarie perch have moved to sections of the creek with deeper pools.

Arrowhead removal on target

Goulburn Broken CMA’s annual waterway arrowhead spraying program will once again focus on the Broken-Boosey creeks between Katamatite and Barmah.

Help spot platypus in rivers across the Goulburn Broken Catchment

Thursday 7 February 2019
A call is going out for people to get involved in a citizen science project to keep track of platypus numbers in rivers across the Goulburn Broken Catchment.

Recreational fishers help monitor creeks

Thursday 31 January 2019
Representatives from Australian Trout Foundation, VR Fish and local fly fishing groups are liaising with North East and Goulburn Broken CMAs to monitor trout populations in creeks across the north-east and high country.

Dry and heat affect creeks

Friday 25 January 2019
Ongoing hot dry weather is taking its toll on a number of creeks across the Goulburn Broken catchment.

Grants for landholders to protect grey box grassy woodlands

Thursday 24 January 2019
Grants are available for landholders to carry out works to improve and protect grey box grassy woodlands on their properties through the Linking Landscapes and Communities project.

2019- The Year of the Paddock Tree

Tuesday 15 January 2019
An alarming decline in the number of paddock trees across the Goulburn Murray region has prompted a campaign to protect as many of the district’s scattered trees as possible.

Board appointments - get involved

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning is seeking promoting CMA and water authority board opportunities to talented candidates from all walks of life, including farmers, small business owners, project managers and other professionals.

Check if permit is needed before clearing native vegetation on private land

Wednesday 2 January 2019
Goulburn Broken CMA is reminding people that accepting offers from businesses advertising “cheap block clearing” without the correct permits can lead to prosecution and hefty fines.

Pulse check request for the Goulburn River during water transfers

Wednesday 12 December 2018
Goulburn Broken CMA is recommending that planned summer water transfers to meet downstream demand are delivered as a series of pulses through the lower Goulburn River, rather than a steady flow, to help minimise damage to the river bank.

Mountain pygmy possum on the road back from local extinction

Friday 16 November 2018
Australian scientists, land managers and partner agencies are actively working together to prevent extinction of the endangered mountain pygmy possum from the rocky slopes of one of the country’s most popular ski resorts.

Call for community input in to Strathmerton bird and tree survey

Tuesday 13 November 2018
Strathmerton region residents are encouraged to share sightings of endangered bird species such as superb parrots, grey-crowned babblers and bush-stone curlews as part of the Goulburn Broken CMA’s Linking Lower Goulburn project.
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