Zone | Warby, Killawarra and Lurg Hills |
Profile | Killawarra/Chesney Sedimentary Hills & Slopes |
Landform | Stony/Gravelly Hills |
Geology | Sedimentary, skeletal sandy loam to clay loam soils, often gravelly. |
EVC | Box Ironbark Forest |
Description | Open forest of Box, Stringybark and Ironbark eucalypts. Understorey often forms an open shrub layer over an open ground layer ranging from a sparse to well-developed suite of herbs and grasses. |
Examples | Boweya Flora and Fauna Reserve, Goorambat |
This plant (species) list has been compiled after extensive literature searches, ground truthing and collaboration with local botanical experts.
Plants appearing in the
Standard Revegetation List are hardy and robust species that are strong competitors that will provide structure to a site. Species listed are commonly available at indigenous nurseries, however ordering early is recommended.
Plants appearing in the
Enhanced Revegetation List are species that will provide diversity to a site and provide a missing layer, eg. small shrub and ground layer. Many of these species may be outcompeted in weedy sites therefore good weed management is essential. Species listed may not be commonly available from indigenous nurseries and may require advanced orders up to 18 months.
Plants appearing in the
EVC Species List are a general representation of what species may be found within that EVC for that zone. Many species listed may not be available from indigenous nurseries.
Trees > 5m
Species Name | Common Name | Life Form | Notes |
Eucalyptus goniocalyx | Long-leaf Box | T | |
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha | Red Stringybark | T | |
Eucalyptus microcarpa | Grey Box | T | |
Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. vestita | Red Box | T | |
Eucalyptus sideroxylon s.s. | Mugga Ironbark | T | |
Exocarpos cupressiformis | Cherry Ballart | T | ^ |
Species Name | Common Name | Life Form | Notes |
Acacia acinacea | Gold-dust Wattle | MS | |
Acacia aspera | Rough Wattle | MS | |
Acacia flexifolia | Bent-leaf Wattle | MS | |
Acacia genistifolia | Spreading Wattle | MS | |
Acacia pycnantha | Golden Wattle | MS | |
Astroloma humifusum | Cranberry Heath | PS | ^ |
Brachyloma daphnoides | Daphne Heath | MS | ^ |
Bursaria spinosa | Sweet Bursaria | MS | |
Cassinia arcuata | Drooping Cassinia | MS | ↔ |
Cassinia ozothamnoides | Cottony Cassinia | MS | ^,❖ |
Cheiranthera linearis | Blue Finger-flower | SS | ^ |
Daviesia leptophylla | Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea | MS | ^ |
Daviesia ulicifolia | Gorse Bitter-pea | MS | ^ |
Dillwynia cinerascens | Grey Parrot-pea | SS | ^ |
Dillwynia juniperina | Prickly Parrot-pea | MS | ^ |
Dillwynia sericea | Showy Parrot-pea | SS | ^ |
Grevillea alpina | Cat's Claw Grevillea | MS | ^ |
Hibbertia exutiacies | Spiky Guinea-flower | SS | ^ |
Hibbertia obtusifolia | Grey Guinea-flower | SS | ^ |
Hovea heterophylla | Common Hovea | SS | ^ |
Leucopogon rufus | Ruddy Beard-heath | SS | ^ |
Prostanthera decussata | Dense Mint-bush | MS | ^ |
Pultenaea largiflorens | Twiggy Bush-pea | SS | ^ |
Pultenaea laxiflora | Loose-flower Bush-pea | SS | ^ |
Pultenaea prostrata | Silky Bush-pea | SS | ^ |
Species Name | Common Name | Life Form | Notes |
Arthropodium strictum | Chocolate Lily | LH | ^ |
Austrostipa scabra | Rough Spear-grass | MTG | ^ |
Brunonia australis | Blue Pincushion | MH | ^ |
Dianella admixta | Black-anther Flax-lily | MTG | ^ |
Einadia nutans | Nodding Saltbush | MH | ^ |
Gonocarpus tetragynus | Common Raspwort | MH | ^ |
Hardenbergia violacea | Purple Coral-pea | SC | ^ |
Lomandra filiformis | Wattle Mat-rush | MTG | ^ |
Poa sieberiana | Grey Tussock-grass | MTG | ^ |
Rytidosperma erianthum | Hill Wallaby-grass | MTG | ^ |
Rytidosperma pallidum | Silvertop Wallaby-grass | LTG | ^ |
Senecio quadridentatus | Cotton Fireweed | LH | ^ |
Senecio tenuiflorus s.l. | Slender Fireweed | LH | ^ |
Stylidium graminifolium s.l. | Grass Triggerplant | MTG | ^ |
Veronica perfoliata | Digger's Speedwell | LH | ^ |
Xerochrysum viscosum | Shiny Everlasting | LH | ^ |
^ | Species from extended list. These may not be commonly available at nurseries. |
❖ | Rare or threatened species |
↔ | Readily colonises |
Life Forms
GF | Ground Fern | MS | Medium Shrub | SH | Small Herb |
LH | Large Herb | MTG | Medium Tufted Graminoid | SS | Small Shrub |
LTG | Large Tufted Graminoid | PS | Prostrate Shrub | T | Tree |
MH | Medium Herb | SC | Scramble/Climber |
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