
Southern Riverina Revegetation Zone

The vegetation profiles represent a generalised picture of the landscape. Each profile presents a typical landscape sequence. For each landform the following information is listed:

  • a schematic drawing showing the vegetation structure;
  • the main Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) associated with it;
  • a brief description of the vegetation;
  • a brief description of the associated geology and soils;
  • one or two location examples where intact native vegetation can be observed (if known);
  • a link to a list of plant species grouped into trees, shrubs and groundcovers that are local to the area, suited to similar sites and can be used as a guide for planting projects.

It should be noted that the landforms presented may occur in different sequences in some areas. The profiles have been compiled to represent typical sequences, but these may not be the only ones.

To assist you to identify the appropriate vegetation profile and species list, Understanding Your Planting Profile , is suggested as a first step.

Use the profile name and descriptions to determine the ones most suited to your site. Click on the landform name to view the species list.

The vegetation in the Southern Riverina revegetation zone has been divided into two profiles containing different vegetation types.

Plains, Creeklines & Wetlands

Shallow Wetlands (seasonally dry)

  Shallow Wetlands (seasonally dry) illustration
Geology Alluvial and paludal, medium to heavy clay soil.
EVC Plains Grassy Wetland
Description Seasonal or intermittent wetland, meadow, marsh, sometimes with fringing River Red Gum. Typically species-rich on the outer verges but can be species-poor in the wetter central areas.
Examples No intact examples known within zone.
Species List Shallow Wetlands (seasonally dry) species list

Deeper Wetlands/Swamps/Old Creek Beds

  Deeper Wetlands/Swamps/Old Creek Beds illustration
Geology Alluvial and paludal, medium to heavy clay soil.
EVC Red Gum Swamp
Description An open woodland dominated by River Red Gum, occasionally treeless, with a sedge, forb and grass-rich ground layer of aquatic species or species tolerant of intermittent to seasonal inundation.
Examples No intact examples known within zone.
Species List Deeper Wetlands/Swamps/Old Creek Beds species list


  Creeklines illustration
Geology Alluvial, clay, silt and sand soils.
EVC Creekline Grassy Woodland
Description River Red Gum woodland on banks of small intermittent creeks, with a tall to medium shrub layer and dense ground-layer of grasses and sedges.
Examples Honeysuckle Ck at Strathaird Rd, Tamleugh; Castle Ck at Bushland Reserve west of bridge, Pranjip Rd, Branjee; Sevens Ck at Morgans Bushland Reserve, Euroa Shepparton Rd, Moglonemby; Pranjip Ck at Bushland Reserve on Longwood Murchison Rd near Deanes Rd.
Species List Creeklines species list

Plains > 600mm rainfall, yellow soils

  Plains illustration
Geology Alluvial, clay loam soils.
EVC Plains Grassy Woodland
Description Open woodland on the plains dominated by River Red Gum in wetter areas, and Grey Box and Buloke in drier areas. Scattered medium to small shrub layer of wattles and peas over a dense suite of grasses and herbs.
Examples Roadside along Old Dookie Rd between One Mile Ck and Andersons Rd, Violet Town; roadside along Angle Rd between Drysdale Rd and Curries Rd, Branjee; Bushland Reserve H66, Longwood Shepparton Rd, Pranjip;
Species List Plains > 600mm rainfall, yellow soils species list

Plains < 600mm rainfall, brown cracking clays

  brown cracking clays illustration
Geology Heavy clays prone to cracking and forming mounds.
EVC Plains Woodland/ Herb-rich Gilgai Wetland Mosaic
Description Open woodland on poorly drained heavy clays forming distinctive gilgais. Grey Box dominated overstorey with a diverse ground layer of grasses and herbs, and a sparse shrub layer.
Examples Baines Ln between Centre and Roes Rd, Reef Hills State Park; Bushland Reserve, Fishers Ln, Baddaginnie; roadside along Walshs Rd west of Euroa Shepparton Rd; parts of Balmattum Bushland Reserve, Old Euroa Rd, Balmattum;
Species List Plains < 600mm rainfall, brown cracking clays species

Gravelly Hills, Low Hills, Lower Slopes & Spring Soaks

Spring Soaks

  Spring Soaks illustration
Geology Colluvium from igneous (granite) rock. Soils imperfectly drained.
EVC Spring Soak Woodland
Description Small areas of Red Gum woodland with a shrub layer of Prickly Tea-tree and a ground layer of sedges, rushes, grasses and herbs.
Examples Almost extinct on plains due to clearing for dams and grazing. Found in Creightons Ck, Longwood, Pranjip, Molka and Creightons area. Public access examples; Euroa Arboretum, eastern boundary (plains); Mt Tenneriffe Bushland Reserve, above creek (hills).
Species List Spring Soaks species list

Lower Granitic Outwash Slopes

  Lower Granitic Outwash Slopes illustration
Geology Colluvium from igneous (granite) rock. Soils sand to sandy clay.
EVC Grassy Woodland (shrubby granitic outwash)
Description An open woodland of Blakely's Red Gum with Grey Box, Red Box, Yellow Box, Red Stringybark and occasionally Sheoak. A diverse open mid-layer and ground layer dominated with low shrubs and forbs.
Examples Rail reserve at Creighton Siding; rail reserve at Longwood; Longwood Primary School; road reserve of Longwood-Mansfield Rd between Old Hume Hwy at Old Longwood and Creighton Ck Rd; road reserve of Hume Fwy between Euroa-Mansfield Rd and Mt Tenneriffe.
Species List Lower Granitic Outwash Slopes species list

Lower Slopes and Low Hills

  Lower Slopes and Low Hills illustration
Geology Sedimentary, soils clay-loam.
EVC Grassy Woodland (Slopes Box)
Description Tall White Box or Grey Box woodland with Red Box, Yellow Box, Red Stringybark and occasionally Sheoak. Open mid-storey over a diverse grassy ground layer.
Examples Rail reserve at Curries Rd near Baddaginnie; road reserve Long Gully Rd, Violet Town; Balmattum Hill Nature Conservation Reserve; road reserve Upton Rd near Avenel.
Species List Lower Slopes and Low Hills species list

Gravelly Hills and Slopes

  Gravelly Hills and Slopes illustration
Geology Sedimentary, soils clay loam, often gravelly.
EVC Box Ironbark Forest
Description Grey Box open forest. Understorey often forms an open shrub layer over an open ground layer ranging from sparse to well-developed suite of herbs and grasses. Ironbark eucalypts do not naturally occur within the Southern Riverina revegetation zone.
Examples Collier Rd Bushland Reserve, Balmattum; Road reserve along Angle Rd south of Drysdale Rd, Euroa; Rail reserve northeast of Repeater Rd, Locksley; Rail reserve south of Monea; Rail reserve south of Avenel.
Species List Gravelly Hills and Slopes species list

Dry Slopes and Ridges

  Dry Slopes and Ridges illustration
Geology Sedimentary and Igneous (granite) rock. Soils shallow to medium in depth.
EVC Heathy Dry Forest
Description Open eucalypt forest of Red Stringybark, Red Box and Long-leaf Box found on ridges and exposed northerly slopes. The understorey is dominated by low growing heaths and peas, with a sparse layer of herbs and grasses.
Examples Rare within zone and mainly found on private land. Can be found on hills east end of Smiths Rd, Boho; upper slopes of Creighton Hill, south of Drysdale Rd; and hills south of Monea.
Species List Dry Slopes and Ridges species list
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