
Goldfields Revegetation Zone

The vegetation profiles represent a generalised picture of the landscape. Each profile presents a typical landscape sequence. For each landform the following information is listed:

  • a schematic drawing showing the vegetation structure;
  • the main Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) associated with it;
  • a brief description of the vegetation;
  • a brief description of the associated geology and soils;
  • one or two location examples where intact native vegetation can be observed (if known);
  • a link to a list of plant species grouped into trees, shrubs and groundcovers that are local to the area, suited to similar sites and can be used as a guide for planting projects.

It should be noted that the landforms presented may occur in different sequences in some areas. The profiles have been compiled to represent typical sequences, but these may not be the only ones.

To assist you to identify the appropriate vegetation profile and species list Understanding Your Planting Profile , is suggested as a first step.

Use the profile name and descriptions to determine the ones most suited to your site. Click on the landform name to view the species list.

The vegetation in the Goldfields revegetation zone has been divided into four profiles containing different vegetation types.

Mitchellstown Swamps and Wetlands

Shallow Wetlands (seasonally dry)

Geology Alluvial and paludal, heavy clay soils
EVC Plains Grassy Wetland
Description Seasonal or intermittent wetland, meadow or marsh, with fringing River Red Gum and/or Grey Box. Typically species-rich on the outer verges but is usually species-poor in the wetter central areas.
Species List Shallow Wetlands (seasonally dry) species list


Geology Alluvial and paladul, heavy clay soils.
EVC Red Gum Swamp
Description Open River Red Gum woodland dominated by sedgy or grassy-herbaceous aquatics and species tolerant of intermittent to seasonal inundation.
Species List Swamps species list


Geology Aeoline sands, soils sandy to sandy loam.
EVC Sand Ridge Woodland
Description Open woodland dominated by Grey Box and Yellow Gum with a dense medium to small shrub layer and a range of annual herbs and grasses.
Examples Puckapunyal Military Area (northern end of Major Ck area around wetlands);
Species List Lunettes species list
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Geology Alluvial, soils range from sandy loams to silty clays.
EVC Creekline Grassy Woodland
Description River Red Gum woodland on banks of small intermitten creeks, with a scattered shrub layer and dense ground layer of grasses and sedges.
Examples Wappentake Ck, Graytown Rd, c. 5km east of Costerfield; Redburns Ln and Heathcote-Nagambie Rd intersection, Heathcote;
Species List Creeklines species list

Broad Alluvial Drainage Lines/Creek Flats

Geology Alluvial and Colluvial, soils shallow and range from clays, silts and sands.
EVC Alluvial-terraces Herb-rich Woodland
Description Open Red Gum and Box woodland on ephemeral drainage lines and adjacent alluvium plains. Understorey consists of a sparse medium to tall shrub layer with a diverse species rich ground layer of annual and perennial grasses and herbs.
Examples Creek flats on Seymour-Tooborac Rd, west of Bassetts Ln, Hilldene;
Species List Broad Alluvial Drainage Lines/Creek Flats species list

Gilgai Plains and Crabhole Country

Geology Soils typically heavy clay, cracking and self-mulching.
EVC Plains Woodland/ Herb-rich Gilgai Wetland Mosaic
Description Open woodland of Grey Box, River Red Gum and Buloke with scattered micro-wetlands on medium to heavy clay soil.
Examples Puckapunyal Military Area (northern end of Major Ck area);
Species List Gilgai Plains and Crabhole Country species list


Geology Alluvial and Colluvial, soils range from loams and clays.
EVC Plains Grassy Woodland
Description River Red Gum, Grey Box and Buloke woodland often with White Box, Yellow Box or Yellow Gum. Sparse shrub layer of wattles, peas and bursaria over a diverse ground layer of grasses, sedges and herbs.
Species List Plains species list

Low Hills

Geology Sedimentary and Colluvium off sedimentary hills. Soils range from clay loams to clay.
EVC Grassy Woodland (Slopes Box)
Description Grey Box and White Box dominated woodland with an open mid-storey and diverse ground layer of grasses and herbs.
Examples Heathcote-Nagambie Rd, between Redburns Ln and Tobins Ln;
Species List Low Hills species list
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Hills & Valleys - Puckapunyal, Graytown, Bailieston area

Valleys and Gentle Slopes

Geology Alluvial and colluvial, soil loamy with sandy patches.
EVC Valley Grassy Forest
Description Open forest in fertile, gently sloping valleys of the surrounding dry hills, with a tall open shrub layer and a dense grassy layer with a range of herbs.
Species List Valleys and Gentle Slopes species list

Stony/Gravelly Hills

Geology Sedimentary, soils stony and skeletal.
EVC Box Ironbark Forest
Description Open forest of Box, Stringybark and Ironbark eucalypts. Understorey often forms an open shrub layer over an open ground layer ranging from sparse to well-developed suite of herbs and grasses.
Examples Tooborac State Forest along Seymour-Tooborac Rd, Tooborac; Rushworth-Heathcote State Forest at Costerfield and Heathcote-Graytown National Park at Graytown along Heathcote-Nagambie Rd.
Species List Stony/Gravelly Hills species list

Dry Slopes

Geology Sedimentary, soils shallow and stony
EVC Grassy Dry Forest
Description Open forest of Red Stringybark, Red Box and Long-leaf Box with a grass-dominated ground layer and sparse shrub layer.
Species List Dry Slopes species list

Ridges and Exposed Slopes

Geology Sedimentary, soils skeletal, stony and often rocky.
EVC Heathy Dry Forest
Description Open forest of Red Stringybark, Red Box and Long-leaf Box. The understorey is dominated by low growing heaths and peas, with a sparse ground layer of herbs and grasses.
Examples Tooborac Nature Conservation Reserve off Seymour-Tooborac Rd, Tooborac; Mt Ida within Heathcote-Graytown National Park, Heathcote; SE of Bailieston Rd and Surface Hill Rd intersection, Heathcote-Graytown National Park, Graytown
Species List Ridges and Exposed Slopes species list
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Hills & Plains - Rushworth Whroo area


Geology Alluvial, soils loam to clay loam.
EVC Plains Woodland
Description Open woodland on the plains dominated by Grey Box and Buloke with a diverse ground layer of grasses and herbs, and a sparse shrub layer often with chenopods present.
Examples Intersection of Tait Hamilton Rd and Clyde Rd, Gobarup;
Species List Plains species list

Lower Slopes and Low Hills

Geology Sedimentary derived colluvium, soils range from sands, clays, loams.
EVC Grassy Woodland (Low Rises and Rainshadow)
Description Grey Box and White Box dominated woodland with an open mid-storey and diverse ground layer of chenopods, grasses and herbs.
Examples Tait Hamilton Rd between Dryden Rd and Clyde Rd, Gobarup; Waranga Bushland Reserve off Rushworth-Tatura Rd between Rushworth and Waranga Shores;
Species List Lower Slopes and Low Hills species list

Gravelly Hills

Geology Sedimentary, soils shallow, stony and skeletal.
EVC Box Ironbark Forest
Description Open forest of Box, Stringybark and Ironbark eucalypts. Understorey often forms an open shrub layer over an open ground layer ranging from sparse to well-developed suite of herbs and grasses.
Examples Rushworth-Heathcote State Forest between Rushworth and Whroo; Whroo Nature Conservation Reserve;
Species List Gravelly Hills species list

Sandstone Ridges

Geology Sedimentary, soils gravelly, low fertility, commonly a clay-loam over a light-medium clay.
EVC Sandstone Ridge Shrubland
Description Open forest with an overstorey dominated with mallee eucalypts. Understorey is typically shrubby with Melaleuca species a distinctive feature.
Examples South eastern part of Gobarup Nature Conservation Reserve off Dryden Rd, Gobarup; Rushworth-Heathcote State Forest at Miller Rd and Jones Rd intersection (off Bendigo-Murchison Rd), Rushworth;
Species List Sandstone Ridges species list
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