
On Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program Proposal submitted to the Australian Government

Friday 4 December, 2009
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has submitted a proposal for funding farm irrigation efficiency activities across the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District to the Australian Government's On-farm Irrigation Efficiency Program following a call for applications in November this year. This proposal has been developed with a consortium of regional partners.

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has submitted a proposal for funding farm irrigation efficiency activities across the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District to the Australian Government's On-farm Irrigation Efficiency Program following a call for applications in November this year. This proposal has been developed with a consortium of regional partners.

"The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority was pleased to develop the bid with the support of the consortium members including the North Central Catchment Management Authority, the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project, Goulburn-Murray Water, Dairy Australia, Victorian Farmers Federation and Northern Victoria Irrigators. It is anticipated that by working together in partnership, we can more effectively engage the regional irrigators, industry and the private sector to deliver the best outcome for our irrigation community in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District" said Stan Gibney, Acting Chief Executive Officer.

"This is a $241 million proposal and aims to save 94 gigalitres. The proposal is for the Australian Government to fund farm water savings works projects. Half of the water savings will be retained by irrigators. Individual irrigators will need to be able to transfer a minimum of 10 megalitres to the Australian Government" said Stan Gibney.

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, on behalf of its partners, plans to issue guidelines for Expression of Interest (EOI) in January 2010, including information on the proposed eligible farm irrigation infrastructure improvement works. In the meantime irrigators can liaise with the Department of Primary Industries, North Central CMA and Goulburn Broken CMA offices listed below for more information or to register their names as for an EOI. Landowners wanting to participate in the EOI require an approved Whole Farm Plan. For those who already have a Whole Farm Plan, an addendum to that Plan will be needed, which will largely consist of a water savings assessment.

"Whilst no funding has been approved at this stage, it is important for the irrigation community to be aware of the bid proposal and the proposed guidelines" Stan Gibney added.

The Australian Government has indicated that a decision on the proposal should be made by early February 2010.

Echuca, Department of Primary Industries: (03) 5482 1922
Kerang, Department of Primary Industries: (03) 5452 1266
Tatura, Department of Primary Industries: (03) 5833 5222
North Central CMA: (03) 5448 7124
Goulburn Broken CMA: (03) 5833 5222

Release Ends

For more information please contact:

Carl Walters on 03 5820 1100

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