Media Releases

All past media releases from Goulburn Broken CMA, listed chronologically.

Tour and talks highlight alternative crop options

People interested in looking at growing crops such as garlic, capers and native foods are invited to attend a farm tour of the Tolmie region on Saturday, April 16.

Vandals put Black Swamp plants and animals at risk

Native plants that provide valuable food and shelter for animals and birds, including some threatened species, have died as a result of vandals damaging the regulator that controls water flow in to Black Swamp near Wunghnu.

Native fish moved from Rice's Weir

Native fish will be moved from Rice’s Weir near Barmah today (March 11) to avoid potential fish deaths from low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the weir pool.

River users and environment to benefit from increased Goulburn river flows

River users and native animals and plants will benefit from increased Goulburn River flows during March.

Field day highlights sand hills’ unique cultural heritage sites, flora and fauna

A wetland tour and talks by guest speakers on the unique flora, fauna and Aboriginal cultural heritage sites found across the sand hill regions either side of the River Murray were highlights of the River Murray corridor cultural ecosystems field day held at Yarrawonga Yacht Club recently.

Banks, plants and native fish respond to environmental flows

Monitoring during summer 2014 and autumn 2015 found environmental flows during those seasons had triggered golden perch spawning and encouraged bank-stabilising plant growth.

Community meetings for emergency preparation

Residents are invited to attend a second round of community meetings for the Granite Creeks flood study, one of 10 regional scale flood mapping projects underway across the state.

Dairy effluent – milking a resource

If you are planning to expand your dairy operation and want to know how to manage the extra effluent, come to the Dairy Effluent Field Day being held on Thursday March 3, at Ardmona.

National Landcare grants start to flow across Goulburn Broken

The Australian Government welcomes Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority's announcement that 20 private landholders will share in $400,000 in grants under the National Landcare Programme.

Creek run-off causes Goulburn River discolouration

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) today reassured the community Goulburn River water quality was good despite discolouration in some sections of the river below Murchison.

Community urged to report egret nest sightings

Goulburn Broken CMA is keen to hear from anyone who has noticed Eastern Great Egrets nesting in the area.

Many hands make light work of creating Macquarie perch habitat

Fallen limbs and dead trees from a property adjoining Hughes Creek have been used to provide additional shelter in the upstream end of a gorge known to be the creek’s Macquarie perch stronghold.

New rabbit calici virus strain information sessions

Three free information sessions to provide detailed information to local land managers about the upcoming release of a new strain of rabbit calici virus, are being held at Euroa on January 19 and at Mansfield and Yea on January 20.

Big plans for Little River weed control

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is working with the Taggerty Community Progress Group (TCPG) and Taggerty community to tackle blackberry and honeysuckle along the Little River.

New agriculture and natural resource management leadership program announced

An innovative Community Leadership Program specifically designed for those working or volunteering in the Agriculture and Natural Resource Management sectors will be delivered in the Goulburn Murray region during the first half of 2016.
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