
Landcare grants help communities deliver environmental projects

Wednesday 4 December, 2013
Projects to fund community efforts to tackle weeds and pests such as blackberry and rabbits, restore habitat for platypus and run environmental education programs in schools have been funded through the latest round of the Victorian Government's Victorian Landcare Grants Program.

Projects to fund community efforts to tackle weeds and pests such as blackberry and rabbits, restore habitat for platypus and run environmental education programs in schools have been funded through the latest round of the Victorian Government's Victorian Landcare Grants Program.

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Landcare and Communities Manager Tony Kubeil said $175,000 of grants would fund 12 projects across the Catchment.

"These grants help community natural resource management groups carry out the on-ground works that help protect and improve the Catchment's land, water and biodiversity," Mr Kubeil said.

The projects funded for 2013-14 are:




Productive Plains (between Nagambie and Seymour) - Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative

Rabbit Buster


Upland Slopes - Warrenbayne-Boho Land Protection Group

Brush ‘em off - Blackberries and rabbits


Upland Slopes - Molyullah Tatong Tree and Land Protection Group

Battling blackberries and emerging weeds


Commuting Hills - Sunday Creek / Sugarloaf Sub Catchments (near Kilmore and Broadford)

Gorse control in the Sunday Creek / Sugarloaf Sub Catchments


Southern Forests  - Up2Us Landcare Alliance(Alpine and mountain areas)

Working with private and public landholders to manage blackberry and gorse


Upland Slopes - Up2Us Landcare Alliance(Mansfield area)

Meet, talk and act – identify community NRM priorities


Upland Slopes - Upper Goulburn Landcare Network

Environmental education for schools and community in Mansfield and surrounds


Commuting Hills - Glenaroua Land Management Group

Expanding and creating biolinks to Mt Piper across the Glenaroua Landscape


Urban Centres - Goulburn Murray Landcare Network

Biodiversity Education Aquatic Discovery (BEAD) program for schools in Shepparton,Tatura, Euroa and Nathalia


Productive Plains - Granite Creeks Project (near Euroa)

The Granite Creek’s ongoing integrated pest plant and animal control program


Commuting Hills - Sunday Creek / Dry Creek Landcare Group

Restoring Sunday and Dry Creek for platypus habitat


Productive Plains - Gecko CLaN

Engaging Traditional Owners to manage private grasslands for production on properties between Yarrawonga to Euroa


Mr Kubeil said another $20,000 of funding had been allocated to groups to help them cover costs associated with day-to-day operations while $30,000 had been allocated for community education activities to be delivered by the Catchment's natural resource management groups and networks.

"The Goulburn Broken CMA understands that the best way to bring about practice change and deliver on-ground works to improve the environment and support productive and resilient communities is to work closely with landholders and the Catchment's natural resource management groups," Mr Kubeil said.

"These grants are a great way to do that - they support communities to address the environmental issues they have identified as important. Each group's effort in their own 'backyard' contributes to environmental, social and economic improvements that benefit the entire Catchment."

The projects are due to be completed by the end of 2014.

For more information, contact Tony Kubeil on 0408 597 213 or tonyk@gbcma.vic.gov.au

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