
Karen Brisbane joins GBCMA

Monday 27 July, 2009
Karen Brisbane

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority is pleased to announce the appointment of Karen Brisbane as Landcare Corporate Partnerships Facilitator.

Karen has an extensive background in Landcare and has coordinated the Goulburn Murray Landcare Network in the Shepparton Irrigation Region for the past eight years. This involved working with individual Landcare groups, running farm walks and field days and organising projects.

Tony Kubeil, Regional Landcare Coordinator said, "Karen brings to the position a wealth of knowledge and is looking to find synergies between Landcare networks and industries to promote volunteerism."

The position will involve getting corporate organisations involved with Landcare through a number of avenues whether it is volunteering, financial support, carbon neutral activities or business audits for energy efficiency.

The role is a twelve month pilot project funded by DSE as part of the Volunteer Recruitment Initiative for the state, which aims to increase volunteerism in Landcare and links to corporate, indigenous and urban areas.

Karen Brisbane said, "The role will work with Landcare networks and businesses to link them together for the benefit of our environment. We are looking for organisations that might be interested in getting involved with the project to contact us. This can be anything the organisation is willing to do, from small scale to larger based projects."

Karen will be heading to the United States in October to take part in the 2009, Land Trust Alliance Rally in Portland, Oregon. Karen will be presenting Landcare in Australia, current education projects, Local Area Planning and partnership development. The trip will also provide an educational element with Karen learning about philanthropic trusts and corporate volunteerism in America.

Karen gained the opportunity as the latest winner of the Victorian Landcare Travel Fellowship.

Release Ends

For more information please contact

Karen Brisbane on 5820 1100

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