
High hopes for Goulburn River native fish numbers

Friday 10 November, 2023
A delivery of water for the environment into the Goulburn River this month is hoped to result in record native fish spawning.

A delivery of water for the environment into the Goulburn River this month is hoped to result in record native fish spawning.

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) plans to increase water flows in the Goulburn River to trigger Golden Perch spawning and migration and increase food sources, such as water bugs, for other native fish and platypus.

Goulburn Broken CMA environmental water manager, Simon Casanelia, said the use of environmental flows to stimulate spawning and increase food resources supported maintaining fish populations.

“The key to successful Golden Perch spawning is warmer water temperatures and higher flows in late spring,” Mr Casanelia said.

“There hasn’t been significant Golden Perch spawning since 2020 when water for the environment was used to trigger spawning that resulted in a large numbers of eggs being found.

“With current conditions nearly mimicking 2020, we have the ideal opportunity to reach a new record for the largest golden perch spawning in the Goulburn River.”

Water for the environment is due to be released from the Goulburn Weir from Monday 13 November. It will peak at approximately 7,200ML a day (a river height of 3.7m) at Murchison on 17 November before slowly dropping back to current levels of about 1000ML a day (a river height of 0.9 metres) by 25 November.

“Planning for this delivery of water for the environment has considered recreational users and will have water levels returning to low levels prior to the opening of the Murray Cod fishing season on 1 December,” Mr Casanelia said.

“If there is heavy rain during the delivery of this water for the environment it may be reduced or cancelled.”

Monitoring of Golden Perch spawning will continue until December as part of the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder’s science program (Flow-MER). Monitoring will also assess the changes in water bug numbers following the environmental water delivery.

Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, Dr Simon Banks, said the release of water for the environment would capitalise on the good conditions over the last couple of years and provide some insurance for Golden Perch populations ahead of predicted dry times.

“We’ve had some wet years so conditions are primed and ready for us to support Golden Perch and other native fish to boost populations,” Dr Banks said.

“Across the Murray-Darling Basin we work in partnership with numerous organisations to get the best results from water for the environment.

“For this release of water for the environment we are working closely with Goulburn Broken CMA, the Victorian Environmental Water Holder as well as Goulburn-Murray Water, who manage the releases of environmental flows from their storages.”

Background information:

  • Water that is allocated and managed to improve the health of rivers, wetlands and floodplains is known as water for the environment.  
  • This use of water for the environment is authorised by VEWH in line with its Seasonal Watering Plan 2022-23, which is available for download from, with regular watering updates posted on the Goulburn Broken CMA website 
  • To check flows in the Lower Goulburn, view the hydrograph on Goulburn Broken CMA’s website: (updated weekly).    


 Native fish numbers, such as the Golden Perch, are expected to increase as a result of water for the environment in the Goulburn River. Photo Jarod Lyon, Arthur Rylah Institute.


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