
Golden Pancakes to highlight the endangered Golden Sun Moth

Friday 25 February, 2011
The Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network (CMN) is celebrating the unique biodiversity in our region by hosting a FREE community breakfast at the Costerfield hall on Saturday, 26 March 2011. 

The Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network (CMN) is celebrating the unique biodiversity in our region by hosting a FREE community breakfast at the Costerfield hall on Saturday, 26 March 2011. 

The purpose of the morning is to meet and share a delicious breakfast cooked by the Costerfield Hall Committee and hear from Melbourne University Research Fellow Cheryl O’Dwyer speak about the endangered Golden Sun Moth, a beautiful moth that inhabits the local region.  

The Golden Sun Moth lives most of its life underground (between 1-3 years).  Scientists think it was once widespread across Victoria and south-eastern Australia. The larva of the Golden Sun Moth eats the roots of native grasses and makes silk-lined tunnels under the ground. Golden Sun Moth adults fly during the day, not at night. No Golden Sun Moths have been successfully bred in captivity. The adult Golden Sun Moth has no mouthparts and cannot eat. It lives only 2-3 days, long enough to mate and begin the cycle again. The female is a poor flyer and lies between tussocks fluttering her wings to attract a mate.  

Following Cheryl, local native grasses expert, Peter Mitchell, will discuss the role of native grasses in the local environment, and cover grass identification.  Peter has had many years of experience in identifying native grasses and speaking to groups about the many benefits for land management and biodiversity – including Golden Sun Moths - by having native grasses on the property. 

The Golden Sun Moth Breakfast is part of the Whroo Goldfields Conservation Management Network’s Biodiversity Celebrations, and provides a great opportunity for locals to gather, and over breakfast hear about some of the region’s unique native plants and animals. 

For more information please contact the Whroo Goldfields CMN Coordinator, Janice Mentiplay-Smith at 57611 644 / 0418 316 169 or Janicem@gbcma.vic.gov.au  and a RSVP is essential for catering purposes.

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