A Community workshop will be held in Broadford on Thursday May 13th to discuss salinity and water quality.
A Community workshop will be held in Broadford on Thursday May 13
th to discuss salinity and water quality.
Keynote speaker Mark Cotter, Dryland Salinity Coordinator, from the Department of Primary Industry, will outline the causes and effects of salinity in the South West Goulburn region with support from the Waterwatch team.
The workshop is open to the public, free of charge, and landholders are encouraged to bring along a water sample from their property to participate in water testing demonstrations. 500ml is sufficient, but the water should be collected in a clean jar to avoid contamination.
Waterwatch will provide a free BBQ lunch to start the proceedings at Broadford Primary School, Powlett St, 1pm. The presentation will provide insight into why salinity is an issue for concern in the Goulburn Broken catchment.
For further information contact Peter Mitchell Ph 0409 515 630.
Release Ends
th May 2004
Contact Poppe Davis
Dryland Community Liaison Officer
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
Ph 1: 5797 2001 2: 5761 1540
Mob 0247 866 328