Climate change strategies and plans

The Climate Change Integration Strategy 2012-2015 

The strategy provides a framework for implementing the Goulburn Broken CMA climate change policy statement: “In dealing with climate change and likely impacts, the Goulburn Broken CMA will focus on adaptation strategies to increase catchment resilience; greenhouse gas sequestration activity such as carbon brokering will be engaged for the purpose of assisting adaptation responses; and mitigation initiatives led by local government will be actively supported.”

View and/or download the strateghere.

The Climate Change Adaptation Plan for NRM in the Goulburn Broken Catchment 2016 

The adaptation plan contributes to achieving strategic outcomes of the Climate Change Integration Strategy by identifying:

  1. priority landscapes for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the context of improving the resilience of natural resources;
  2. options for climate change adaptation and mitigation, including carbon sequestration, within focus areas and priority landscapes; and
  3. risks to catchment processes from carbon sequestration activities and mitigation actions.

You can view/download a pdf version of the adaptation plan hereA summary can be viewed/downloaded here.

Additional resources
  • A carbon farming summary can be viewed/downloaded here.
  • Exploring 'Adaptation Pathways' planning through an NRM lens: Insights from two exploratory case studies summarises a three-year (2016-2018) project that aimed to progress climate change adaptation in natural resource management (NRM). NRM faces a number of challenges in adaptation planning: decision-making under conditions of uncertainty; dealing with complex, dynamic and interlinked social and ecological systems; contestations around what and whose knowledge and values should guide NRM; addressing existing socio-political drivers of ecological degradation and many social challenges; and enabling adaptation that transforms those underlying drivers to better support sustainable, equitable futures. Click here to view/download the report.
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