Zone | Upper Goulburn - Yea |
Profile | Dry Slopes, Valleys & Streams |
Landform | Swampy Drainage Lines |
Geology | Alluvial and colluvial, soil silty to clay loam. |
EVC | Swampy Riparian Complex |
Description | Open woodland dominated by Swamp Gum found on poorly drained sections of streams and rivers. Tall to medium shrub layer over a dense ground layer of sedges and ferns. |
This plant (species) list has been compiled after extensive literature searches, ground truthing and collaboration with local botanical experts.
Plants appearing in the
Standard Revegetation List are hardy and robust species that are strong competitors that will provide structure to a site. Species listed are commonly available at indigenous nurseries, however ordering early is recommended.
Plants appearing in the
Enhanced Revegetation List are species that will provide diversity to a site and provide a missing layer, eg. small shrub and ground layer. Many of these species may be outcompeted in weedy sites therefore good weed management is essential. Species listed may not be commonly available from indigenous nurseries and may require advanced orders up to 18 months.
Plants appearing in the
EVC Species List are a general representation of what species may be found within that EVC for that zone. Many species listed may not be available from indigenous nurseries.
Trees > 5m
Species Name | Common Name | Life Form | Notes |
Acacia dealbata | Silver Wattle | T | |
Acacia melanoxylon | Blackwood | T | |
Eucalyptus camphora subsp. humeana | Mountain Swamp-gum | T | 💧 |
Eucalyptus obliqua | Messmate Stringybark | T | |
Eucalyptus ovata | Swamp Gum | T | 💧 |
Eucalyptus rubida | Candlebark | T | |
Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. viminalis | Manna Gum | T | 💧 |
Exocarpos cupressiformis | Cherry Ballart | T | ^ |
Species Name | Common Name | Life Form | Notes |
Bursaria spinosa | Sweet Bursaria | MS | |
Goodenia ovata | Hop Goodenia | MS | ^ |
Kunzea ericoides s.l. | Burgan | MS | |
Leptospermum continentale | Prickly Tea-tree | MS | |
Leptospermum lanigerum | Woolly Tea-tree | MS | |
Olearia lirata | Snowy Daisy-bush | MS | ^ |
Species Name | Common Name | Life Form | Notes |
Adiantum aethiopicum | Common Maidenhair | GF | ^ |
Ajuga australis | Austral Bugle | LH | ^ |
Alternanthera denticulata | Lesser Joyweed | MH | ^,💧 |
Amphibromus nervosus | Common Swamp Wallaby-grass | LTG | ^,💧 |
Asperula scoparia | Prickly Woodruff | MH | ^ |
Baumea articulata | Jointed Twig-sedge | LTG | ^,💧 |
Billardiera mutabilis | Common Apple-berry | SC | ^ |
Blechnum nudum | Fishbone Water-fern | GF | ^ |
Carex appressa | Tall Sedge | LTG | ^,💧 |
Carex fascicularis | Tassel Sedge | MTG | ^,💧 |
Carex tereticaulis | Poong'ort | LTG | ^,💧 |
Clematis aristata | Mountain Clematis | SC | ^ |
Cyperus lucidus | Leafy Flat-sedge | LTG | ^,💧 |
Eleocharis acuta | Common Spike-sedge | MNG | ^,💧 |
Eleocharis sphacelata | Tall Spike-sedge | LNG | ^,💧 |
Gahnia radula | Thatch Saw-sedge | LTG | ^ |
Gahnia sieberiana | Red-fruit Saw-sedge | LTG | ^ |
Glyceria australis | Australian Sweet-grass | MTG | ^,💧 |
Isolepis inundata | Swamp Club-sedge | MTG | ^,💧 |
Isotoma fluviatilis subsp. australis | Swamp Isotome | SH | ^,💧 |
Juncus amabilis | Hollow Rush | MTG | ^,💧 |
Juncus pallidus | Pale Rush | LTG | ^,💧 |
Juncus sarophorus | Broom Rush | LTG | ^,💧 |
Lomandra longifolia | Spiny-headed Mat-rush | LTG | ^ |
Lythrum hyssopifolia | Small Loosestrife | MH | ^,💧 |
Microlaena stipoides | Weeping Grass | MNG | ^ |
Persicaria hydropiper | Water Pepper | LH | ^,💧 |
Persicaria prostrata | Creeping Knotweed | MH | ^,💧 |
Polystichum proliferum | Mother Shield-fern | GF | ^ |
Rubus parvifolius | Small-leaf Bramble | SC | ^ |
Rytidosperma laeve | Smooth Wallaby-grass | MTG | ^ |
Schoenus apogon | Common Bog-sedge | MTG | ^,💧 |
Wahlenbergia gracilis | Sprawling Bluebell | LH | ^ |
^ | Species from extended list. These may not be commonly available at nurseries. |
❖ | Rare or threatened species |
💧 | Wetter sites/depressions |
Life Forms
GF | Ground Fern | MNG | Medium Non-tufted Graminoid | SH | Small Herb |
LH | Large Herb | MS | Medium Shrub | SS | Small Shrub |
LNG | Large Non-tufted Graminoid | MTG | Medium Tufted Graminoid | T | Tree |
LTG | Large Tufted Graminoid | PS | Prostrate Shrub |
MH | Medium Herb | SC | Scramble/Climber |
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