
Upper Broken Creek

The upper Broken Creek diverges from the Broken River downstream of Benalla at Caseys Weir and flows for 65km north to the Boosey Creek confluence near Katamatite. From Katamatite the Broken Creek flows west to the Murray River and is considered to part of the lower Broken Creek (see Lower Broken Creek and Nine Mile Creek above).

The creek and its associated floodplain and wetland support grey box-dominated grassy woodland communities and numerous threatened species including Murray cod, brolga and buloke.

The upper Broken Creek has been used for water supply from the Broken River for more than 100 years.  In recent years, the Tungamah Domestic and Stock System has been pipelined and supplied from the Goulburn system, and the irrigation entitlements reduced by 80% as part of the Lake Mokoan decommissioning project. As a result, the creek now has relatively low flows all year round from Caseys Weir to Waggarandal Weir (supplying irrigation entitlements) and is ephemeral between Waggarandal Weir and Katamatite, with short duration fresh/high flow events occurring in response to catchment rainfall.

An environmental flows study for the Broken Creek was completed in 2007. The study identified the following priority watering actions:

  • delivery of summer and winter freshes to maintain instream habitat for aquatic plants, water bugs and fish by scouring pools, submerging snags, and maintaining water quality
  • delivery of environmental water targets the section from Caseys Weir to Waggarandal Weir, which also benefits the downstream section from Waggarandal Weir to Katamatite.

To date environmental water has not been delivered down the upper Broken Creek due to the limited availability of environmental water in the system and creek capacity. 

More information regarding proposed watering actions for the Upper Broken Creek can be obtained by contacting the GB CMA.


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