
Pick up tips on effective farm management over dinner

Friday 14 July, 2017
Young farmers and other agriculture industry professionals are being urged to get in quickly for their chance to attend one of two free dinner workshops to be held in Numurkah and Benalla later this month.

Goulburn Broken CMA Regional Landcare Facilitator Ashley Rogers said the Fundamentals of Farm Management Workshops would provide young agriculture sector workers (aged 18-40) with a better understanding of how to make more effective decisions and better influence others.

“We all know how much time, money and productivity can be lost due to poor communication and decision-making,” Ms Rogers said.

“These workshops will provide you with tips and advice on good communication and decision-making approaches that you can then put into practice to improve on-farm and business operations.”

The workshop will cover:

  • Decision making – what is a decision, types of decisions and approaches.
  • People – beliefs & values, personality types and working with different personalities.
  • Pulling these fundamentals of farm management together to operate more effectively.

 Ms Rogers said the workshops would also be a good opportunity to network with other like-minded people.

“Holding the workshops in the evening and including a meal will, we hope, mean that more people will be free to attend after work and enjoy the chance to meet other young people involved or interested in agriculture.”

Workshop one will be held on Tuesday July 25 from 6.45 pm – 9.30pm (dinner included) at the North Eastern Hotel, 1 Nunn St, Benalla.

The second workshop will be held Wednesday July 26 from 6.45 pm – 9.30pm (dinner included) at the Shamrock Hotel, 5-13 Melville St, Numurkah.

Cam Nicholson from Nicon Rural Services will facilitate the workshops. Registrations are essential. Please RSVP to Sarah at Murray Dairy on 0418 884 621 or by 10am Monday July 24.

These workshops have been made possible by funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme hosted by the Goulburn Broken CMA, in partnership with Murray Dairy and Agriculture Victoria.

More information is available here.

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