
Local photos feature in Goulburn Broken calendar

Tuesday 13 December, 2022
Brimming with local images from our natural environment, the 2023 Goulburn Broken Catchment calendar is now available.

Brimming with local images from our natural environment, the 2023 Goulburn Broken Catchment calendar is now available.

This popular calendar is known for its fantastic collection of local photos featuring flora, fauna and natural landscapes, taken by Goulburn Broken catchment residents.

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority project officer, Janice Mentiplay-Smith, said the calendar was a great way for local people to showcase their photography of plants, animals and the environment, and have their images feature in the calendar for all to enjoy.

“The annual photo competition that supplies the calendar with images has been quite a tradition for 16 years now,” Ms Mentiplay-Smith said.

“The images for the 2023 calendar were chosen from around 300 entries.

“As well as the calendar being lovely to look at, it also contains great information about the native species we share our Goulburn Broken catchment home with.”

The catchment flora and catchment fauna sections in the calendar list interesting information and practical things people can do or be aware of, to help wildlife in our region.

The calendar’s cover photo features the Azure Kingfisher, taken by Peter Poon of Nathalia.

The free calendar is available for collection from the Shepparton Goulburn Broken CMA office, 168 Welsford Street, drop in on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-4pm or otherwise by appointment.

This project is supported by the Goulburn Broken CMA through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

The 2023 Goulburn Broken catchment calendar cover photo features the Azure Kingfisher by Peter Poon.

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