
Information sessions - Goulburn River constraints proposal update

A series of information session are being held later this month to provide communities with an update on the outcomes of the current investigations in to the feasibility of easing constraints on the Goulburn River.

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (on behalf of the Victorian Government) and with the support of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority is looking at the feasibility of easing constraints on the Goulburn River, to improve floodplain watering, recognising that these flows affect people living and working on the floodplain.

We invite you to come and join us, to understand the outcomes of the current investigations, and to consider the issues and options.

Please come along to hear more about this work and share your views at the following sessions:

Murchison Community Centre, Watson Street
Friday 15 January 2016, 12pm or 3pm

Yea RSL Hall, Snodgrass Street
Saturday 16 January 2016, 11am or 2pm

Molesworth Hall
Monday 18 January 2016, 12pm or 3pm or 6pm

Murrindindi Shire Council Offices, Perkins Street, Alexandra
Tuesday 19 January 2016, 12pm or 3pm or 6pm

Parklake Hotel, 481 Wyndham Street, Shepparton
Wednesday 20 January 2016, 12pm or 3pm

Undera Recreation Reserve, Undera
Wednesday 20 January 2016, 7pm

Bunbartha Community Centre
Thursday 21 January 2016, 12pm or 3pm

Kotupna Country Fire Authority Station
Thursday 21 January 2016, 7pm

Seymour GOTAFE, Wallis Street
Friday 22 January 2016, 12pm or 3pm

Each session will last up to two hours. There will be a presentation at the start followed by questions.

More information is available here.

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