
Advisory committee needed for Yea River study

Monday 29 January, 2007
The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority is seeking nominations from landholders on the Yea River and its tributaries to sit on an advisory committee.

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority is seeking nominations from landholders on the Yea River and its tributaries to sit on an advisory committee.

The committee will assist with an environmental flow study for the Yea River catchment.

Committee members will be required to provide local knowledge about the river system that will lead to determining environmental flows for the catchment area.

GB CMA Strategic River Health Manager Wayne Tennant said determining environmental flows would provide a scientific basis for a Stream Flow Management Plan. 

"The project is essentially a scientific assessment of the river," Mr Tennant said. 

"The six-month-long study will identify environmental assets, propose ecological objectives and recommend flow requirements to meet objectives." 

Stream Flow Management Plans aim to provide a balanced share of water for all users including urban use, irrigation and the environment to protect river health.

The Yea River is one of 21 unregulated catchments across Victoria, identified by the Victorian Government's White Paper - "Our Water Our Future". It has been identified as a priority waterway for developing a Stream Flow Management Plan.

The environmental flow determination project will follow the Victorian endorsed FLOWS methodology and be undertaken by consultants on behalf of the GB CMA. 

All relevant stakeholders and interested community members are encouraged to apply for a position on the committee. Committee members will be required to attend about four meetings during the course of the study.

Applications close Friday, February 16 at 5pm. For an application package contact Belinda Loch at the GB CMA, phone: (03) 58201100 or email: belindal@gbcma.vic.gov.au

Release Ends

For more information contact Anna at Impress Publicity 58 212 651 or anna@impresspublicitycom.au

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