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    Funding Boost for Restoration of River Corridors

    Chairman of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Stephen Mills, was delighted to receive a major funding boost on behalf of the region’s communities to protect the health of river corridors.  The project forms part of a $2.7m State-wide investment in a major push to restore river corridors State-wide as part of the Government’s long term plan to improve the health of Victorian rivers and streams.    Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, Ms Elaine Carbines made the announcement today while visiting the region as part of a tour of the Goulburn Broken Catchment.    Ms Carbines said “River corridors are important public assets, providing habitat for terrestrial flora and fauna, food source for fish and other aquatic life.  Their condition has a significant impact on water quality and health of the river and the restoration of river corridors are vital.  Government has targeted to significantly improve the environmental condition of 4800 km of river corridors by 2011”.    The funding will be directed towards significant on-ground works on some of the region’s highest priority rivers.  The  funds are being directed towards the Jamieson River , Howqua River , the Upper Goulburn River (upstream of Eildon) and King Parrot Creek.    Ms Carbines noted that many landowners enter into land management agreements with CMAs to employ good land management practices such as fencing, tree planting and stock control to improve the condition of river frontages adjoining their properties and cooperate to maintain the frontages against weed infestation.   “We need to capitalise on this level of community support,” she said “and we have provided an additional $2.7M Statewide to CMAs on top of the annual investment by CMAs for increased restoration of our corridors, in partnership with landholders.  The funds provided will go directly into on-ground works and planning activities”.    “Rivers are the lifeblood of Victoria ,” Ms Carbines said. “They provide vital water for our homes, towns, farms and businesses; their overall significance for the economy, environment and and recreational use is immense.  Improving the health of our rivers to secure water for Victoria ’s future is one of the key objectives of the Government’s White Paper on Water, Our Water Our Future.”   END    For further information contact: Wayne Tennant Manager - Riverine Strategies, Adaptive Research River Health and Water Quality Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority 

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